Book ReviewMaking Money
I have no idea how he does it, but Terry Prachett is so consistently funny, amusing and a very good writer.
Making Money is a continuation to the Going Postal book, with the main hero being Moist, again thrust into an unwilling job description, and raising to the occasion.
It was both hilarious and a good read, two distinct qualities, but Prachett is combining them masterfully. Highly recommended, and more than worth a second read, which I need to make time to.
There is also the shred of a promise to have Moist as the tax collector for the city, which would make for an interesting story, considering he is a thief.
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Reading it now - Loving every page of it! He's really in good form in this book. :-)
I read the Discworld novels that were around when I was a teenager, all the way up to The Hogfather (I think) but eventually got bored as Pratchett settled into a formula of "take something from the real world, and introduce a magical version of it into the Discworld, with hilarious consequences."
Now, I can't ignore such a raving review as yours - has the formula changed? I'm excited to think I've got lots more reading to do!
The reason I like it so much is that he takes stuff that you are familiar with and turn it around.
He doesn't repeat plot lines or feel boring.
He is just very very funny.
I found that I'd realise what familiar thing he'd brought to Discworld and then not enjoy the rest of the book. I think it was the one with the shopping centre that finally put me off - it seemed a bit silly really.
That was 10 years ago, though, so I'll pick up a more recent book when I get a chance and have another try. It's long overdue, so thanks for the reminder :)
That one isn't one of the best, I agree, he has much better ones since.
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