Oren Eini

CEO of RavenDB

a NoSQL Open Source Document Database

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time to read 2 min | 367 words

Fairy tales always start with “Once upon a time”, and programmers tales starts with “when I was at a client”…

Two days ago I was a client, and the discussion turned to bad code bases, as it often does. One story that I had hard time understanding was the Super If.

Basically, it looked like this:


I had a hard time accepting that someone could write an if condition that long. I kept assuming that they meant that the if statements were 50 lines long, but that wasn’t the case.

And then yesterday I had an even more horrifying story. A WCF service making a call to the database always timed out on the first request, but worked afterward. What would be your first suspicion? Mine was that it took time to establish the database connection, and that after the first call the connection resided in the connection pool.

They laughed at my naivety, for it wasn’t connecting to the database that caused the timeout, it was JITting the method that the WCF service ended up calling.

Yep, you got that right, JITting a single method (because the runtime only JIT a single method at a time). I had even harder time believing that, until they explained to me how that method was built:


Some interesting stats:

  • It had a Cyclomatic Complexity of either 4,000 or 8,000, the client couldn’t remember.
  • The entire Rhino Mocks codebase fits in 13,000 LOC, so this single method could contain it several times over.

But you know what the really scary part is?

I upgraded from Super If to Black Hole Methods, and I am afraid to see what happen today, because if I get something that top the Black Hole Method, I may have to hand back my keyboard and go raise olives.

Entity != Table

time to read 2 min | 237 words

I recently had a chance to work on an interesting project, doing a POC of moving from a relational model to RavenDB. And one of the most interesting hurdles along the way wasn’t technical at all, it was trying to decide what an entity is. We are so used to make the assumption that Entity == Table that we started to associate the two together. With a document database, an entity is a document, and that map much more closely to a root aggregate than to a RDMBS entity.

That gets very interesting when we start looking at tables and having to decide if they represent data that is stand alone (and therefore deserve to live is separate documents) or whatever they should be embedded in the parent document. That led to a very interesting discussion on each table. What I found remarkable is that it was partly a discussion that seem to come directly from the DDD book, about root aggregates, responsibilities and the abstract definition of an entity and partly a discussion that focused on meeting the different modeling requirement for a document database.

I think that we did a good job, but I most valued the discussion and the insight. What was most interesting to me was how right was RavenDB for the problem set, because a whole range of issues just went away when we started to move the model over.

time to read 2 min | 204 words

I had an interesting conversation with a guy about some problem he was having. This was just one of those “out of the blues” contacts that happen, when someone contact me to ask a question. He presented a problem that I see all too often, trying to create a system in which the entities are doing everything, and he run into problems with that (to be fair, he run into a unique set of problems with that). I gave him a list of blog posts are articles to read, suggesting the right path to go. After a few days, he replied with:

I went over your advised reading in depth, but let me describe in short the properties and functions of our system, which I think causes the system to be an exception to those methods.

He then proceed to outlay his problem, a proposed solution and then asked a very specific NHibernate question that was a blocking stumbling block to get ahead with the solution he wanted. My reply was that he took the wrong approach, a suggestion how to resolve it in a different manner and a link to our NHibernate Commercial Support option.

time to read 7 min | 1297 words

I decided to take a chance (installing Oracle is a big leap :-) ) and see how things match in Oracle.

I decided to run the following query:

SELECT deptno, 
       (SELECT COUNT(*) 
        FROM   emp 
        WHERE  emp.deptno = dept.deptno) AS empcount 
FROM   dept 
WHERE  deptno = 20 

Please note that I run in on a database that had (total) maybe a 100 records, so the results may be skewed.


Like in the SQL Server case, we need to create an index on the FK column. I did so, after which I got:


Then I dropped that index and create a simple view:

CREATE VIEW depswithempcount 
  SELECT deptno, 
         (SELECT COUNT(*) 
          FROM   emp 
          WHERE  emp.deptno = dept.deptno) AS empcount 
  FROM   dept 

Querying on top of that gives me the same query plan as before. Trying to create a materialized view out of this fails, because of the subquery expression, I’ll have to express the view in terms of joins, instead. Like this:

SELECT dept.deptno, 
       COUNT(*) empcount 
FROM   dept 
       LEFT JOIN emp 
         ON dept.deptno = emp.deptno 
WHERE  dept.deptno = 20 
GROUP  BY dept.deptno, 

Interestingly enough, this is a different query plan than the subquery, with SQL Server, those two query exhibit identical query plans.


Now, to turn that into an materialized view.

CREATE materialized VIEW deptwithempcount 
AS SELECT dept.deptno, 
          COUNT(*) empcount 
   FROM   dept 
          left join emp 
            ON dept.deptno = emp.deptno 
   GROUP  BY dept.deptno, 

And querying on this gives us very interesting results:

select * from deptwithempcount 
where deptno = 20


Unlike SQL Server, we can see that Oracle is reading everything from the view. But let us try one more thing, before we conclude this with a victory.

update emp 
set deptno = 10
where deptno = 20;

select * from deptwithempcount 
where deptno = 20

But now, when we re-run the materialized view query, we see the results as they were at the creation of the view.

There appears to be a set of options to control that, but the one that I want (RERESH FAST), which update the view as soon as data changes will not work with this query, since it consider it too complex. I didn’t investigate too deeply, but it seems that this is another dead end.

time to read 2 min | 361 words

An interesting thing happened recently, when I started to build the profiler, a lot of the features were what I call Core Features. Those were the things that without which, we wouldn’t have a product. Things like detecting SQL, merging it into sessions, providing reports, etc. What I find myself doing recently with the profiler is not so much building Core Features, but building UX features. In other words, now that we have this in place, let us see how we can make better use of this.

Case in point, the new features that were just released in build 713. They aren’t big, but they are there to improve how people are commonly using the products.

Renaming a session:


This is primarily useful if you are in a long profiling session and you want to mark a specific session with some notation:


Small feature, and individually not very useful. But you might have noticed that the sessions are marked with stars around them. They weren’t there is previous builds, so what are they?


They are a way to tell the profiler that you really like those sessions :-)

More to the point, such sessions will not be removed when you clear the current state. That lets you keep around the previous state of the application as a base line while you work to improve it. Beside, it makes it much easier to locate them visually.

And finally, as a quicker way to do that, you can just ask the profiler to clear all but the selected features.


Not big features, but nice ones, I think.

time to read 2 min | 265 words

This is going to be my last LightSwitch post for a while.

I wanted to talk about something that I found which was at once both very surprising and Doh! at the same time.

Take a look here:


What you don’t know is this was generated from a request similar to this one:

wget http://localhost:22940/Services/LSTest-Implementation-ApplicationDataDomainService.svc/binary/AnimalsSet_All?$orderby=it.Id&$take=45&$includeTotalCount=

What made me choke was that the size of the response for this was 2.3 MB.

Can you guess why?

The image took up most of the data, obviously. In fact, I just dropped an image from my camera, so it was a pretty big one.

And that lead to another problem. It is obviously a really bad idea to send that image on the wire all the time, but LightSwitch make is so easy, indeed, even after I noticed the size of the request, it took me a while to understand what exactly is causing the issue.

And there doesn’t seems to be any easy way to tell LightSwitch that we want to put the property here, but only load it in certain circumstances. For that matter, I would generally want to make the image accessible via HTTP, which means that I gain advantages such as parallel downloads, caching, etc.

But there doesn’t seems to be any (obvious) way to do something as simple as binding a property to an Image control’s Url property.

time to read 2 min | 219 words

Something that I found many high level tools are really bad at is source control, so I thought that I would give LightSwitch a chance there.

I created a Git repository and shoved everything into it, then I decided that I would rename a property and see what is going on.

I changed the Animals.Species to Animals.AnimalType, which gives me:


This is precisely what I wanted to see.

Let us see what happen when I add a new table. And that created a new set in the ApplicationDefinition.lsml file.

Overall, this is much better than I feared.

I am still concerned about having everything in a single file (which is a receipt for having a lot of merge conflicts), but at least you can diff & work with it, assuming that you know how the file format works, and is seems like it is at least a semi reasonable one.

Nevertheless, as promised:

True story, I used to have a lot of ravens in my backyard, but they seem to have gone away single my dog killed one of them, about a week after RavenDB’s launch.

time to read 9 min | 1691 words

I thought it would be a good idea to see what sort of data access behavior LightSwitch applications have. So I hook it up with the EntityFramework Profiler and took it for a spin.

It is interesting to note that it seems that every operation that is running is running in the context of a distributed transaction:


There is a time & place to use DTC, but in general, you should avoid them until you really need them. I assume that this is something that is actually being triggered by WCF behavior, not intentional.

Now, let us look at what a simple search looks like:


This search results in:


That sound? Yes, the one that you just heard. That is the sound of a DBA somewhere expiring. The presentation about LightSwitch touted how you can search every field. And you certainly can. You can also swim across the English channel, but I found that taking the train seems to be an easier way to go about doing this.

Doing this sort of searching is going to be:

  • Very expensive once you have any reasonable amount of data.
  • Prevent usage of indexes to optimize performance.

In other words, this is an extremely brute force approach for this, and it is going to be pretty bad from performance perspective.

Interestingly, it seems that LS is using optimistic concurrency by default.


I wonder why they use the slowest method possible for this, instead of using version numbers.

Now, let see how it handles references. I think that I run into something which is a problem, consider:


Which generates:


This make sense only if you can think of the underlying data model. It certainly seems backward to me.

I fixed that, and created four animals, each as the parent of the other:


Which is nice, except that here is the SQL required to generate this screen:

-- statement #1
SELECT [GroupBy1].[A1] AS [C1]
        FROM   [dbo].[AnimalsSet] AS [Extent1]) AS [GroupBy1]

-- statement #2
SELECT   TOP ( 45 ) [Extent1].[Id]              AS [Id],
                    [Extent1].[Name]            AS [Name],
                    [Extent1].[DateOfBirth]     AS [DateOfBirth],
                    [Extent1].[Species]         AS [Species],
                    [Extent1].[Color]           AS [Color],
                    [Extent1].[Pic]             AS [Pic],
                    [Extent1].[Animals_Animals] AS [Animals_Animals]
FROM     (SELECT [Extent1].[Id]                      AS [Id],
                 [Extent1].[Name]                    AS [Name],
                 [Extent1].[DateOfBirth]             AS [DateOfBirth],
                 [Extent1].[Species]                 AS [Species],
                 [Extent1].[Color]                   AS [Color],
                 [Extent1].[Pic]                     AS [Pic],
                 [Extent1].[Animals_Animals]         AS [Animals_Animals],
                   OVER(ORDER BY [Extent1].[Id] ASC) AS [row_number]
          FROM   [dbo].[AnimalsSet] AS [Extent1]) AS [Extent1]
WHERE    [Extent1].[row_number] > 0
ORDER BY [Extent1].[Id] ASC

-- statement #3
SELECT [Extent1].[Id]              AS [Id],
       [Extent1].[Name]            AS [Name],
       [Extent1].[DateOfBirth]     AS [DateOfBirth],
       [Extent1].[Species]         AS [Species],
       [Extent1].[Color]           AS [Color],
       [Extent1].[Pic]             AS [Pic],
       [Extent1].[Animals_Animals] AS [Animals_Animals]
FROM   [dbo].[AnimalsSet] AS [Extent1]
WHERE  1 = [Extent1].[Id]

-- statement #4
SELECT [Extent1].[Id]              AS [Id],
       [Extent1].[Name]            AS [Name],
       [Extent1].[DateOfBirth]     AS [DateOfBirth],
       [Extent1].[Species]         AS [Species],
       [Extent1].[Color]           AS [Color],
       [Extent1].[Pic]             AS [Pic],
       [Extent1].[Animals_Animals] AS [Animals_Animals]
FROM   [dbo].[AnimalsSet] AS [Extent1]
WHERE  2 = [Extent1].[Id]

-- statement #5
SELECT [Extent1].[Id]              AS [Id],
       [Extent1].[Name]            AS [Name],
       [Extent1].[DateOfBirth]     AS [DateOfBirth],
       [Extent1].[Species]         AS [Species],
       [Extent1].[Color]           AS [Color],
       [Extent1].[Pic]             AS [Pic],
       [Extent1].[Animals_Animals] AS [Animals_Animals]
FROM   [dbo].[AnimalsSet] AS [Extent1]
WHERE  3 = [Extent1].[Id]

I told you that there is a select n+1 builtin into the product, now didn’t I?

Now, to make things just that much worse, it isn’t actually a Select N+1 that you’ll easily recognize. because this doesn’t happen on a single request. Instead, we have a multi tier Select N+1.


What is actually happening is that in this case, we make the first request to get the data, then we make an additional web request per returned result to get the data about the parent.

And I think that you’ll have to admit that a Parent->>Children association isn’t something that is out of the ordinary. In typical system, where you may have many associations, this “feature” alone is going to slow the system to a crawl.

time to read 2 min | 293 words

This post is to help everyone who want to understand what LightSwitch is going to do under the covers. It allows you to see exactly what is going on with the database interaction using Entity Framework Profiler.

In your LightSwitch application, switch to file view:


In the server project, add a reference to HibernatingRhinos.Profiler.Appender.v4.0, which you can find in the EF Prof download.


Open the ApplicationDataService file inside the UserCode directory:


Add a static constructor with a call to initialize the entity framework profiler:

public partial class ApplicationDataService
    static ApplicationDataService()

This is it!

You’re now able to work with the Entity Framework Profiler and see what sort of queries are being generated on your behalf.


time to read 4 min | 609 words

As promised, I intend to spend some time today with LightSwitch, and see how it works. Expect a series of post on the topic. In order to make this a read scenario, I decided that that a simple app recording animals and their feed schedule is appropriately simple.

I created the following table:


Note that it has a calculated field, which is computed using:


There are several things to note here:

  • ReSharper doesn’t work with LightSwitch, which is a big minus to me.
  • The decision to use partial methods had resulted in really ugly code.
  • Why is the class called Animals? I would expect to find an inflector at work here.
  • Yes, the actual calculation is crap, I know.

This error kept appearing at random:


It appears to be a known issue, but it is incredibly annoying.

This is actually really interesting:


  • You can’t really work with the app unless you are running in debug mode. That isn’t the way I usually work, so it is a bit annoying.
  • More importantly, it confirms that this is indeed KittyHawk, which was a secret project in 2008 MVP Summit that had some hilarious aspects.

There is something that is really interesting, it takes roughly 5 – 10 seconds to start a LS application. That is a huge amount of time. I am guessing, but I would say that a lot of that is because the entire UI is built dynamically from the data source.

That would be problematic, but acceptable, except that it takes seconds to load data even after the app has been running for a while. For example, take a look here:


This is running on a quad core, 8 GB machine, in 2 tiers mode. It takes about 1 – 2 seconds to load each screen. I was actually able to capture a screen half way loaded. Yes, it is beta, I know. Yes, perf probably isn’t a priority yet, but that is still worrying.

Another issue is that while Visual Studio is very slow, busy about 50% of the time. This is when the LS app is running or not. As an a side issue, it is hard to know if the problem is with LS or VS, because of all the problems that VS has normally.


As an example of that, this is me trying to open the UserCode, it took about 10 seconds to do so.

What I like about LS is that getting to a working CRUD sample is very quick. But the problems there are pretty big, even at a cursory examination. More detailed posts touching each topic are coming shortly.


  1. RavenDB 7.1: Shared Journals - 2 days from now

There are posts all the way to Feb 17, 2025


  1. RavenDB 7.1 (4):
    14 Feb 2025 - Reclaiming disk space
  2. Challenge (77):
    03 Feb 2025 - Giving file system developer ulcer
  3. Answer (13):
    22 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
  4. Production post-mortem (2):
    17 Jan 2025 - Inspecting ourselves to death
  5. Performance discovery (2):
    10 Jan 2025 - IOPS vs. IOPS
View all series


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