Oren Eini

CEO of RavenDB

a NoSQL Open Source Document Database

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time to read 4 min | 764 words

I previously asked what the code below does, and mentioned that it should give interesting insight into the kind of mindset and knowledge a candidate has. Take a look at the code again:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE (3ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 3GB in bytes

int main() {
    int fd;
    char *buffer;
    struct stat st;

    buffer = (char *)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        return 1;

    fd = open("large_file.bin", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1) {
        return 2;

    if (write(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == -1) {
        return 3;

    if (fsync(fd) == -1) {
        return 4;

    if (close(fd) == -1) {
        return 5;

    if (stat("large_file.bin", &st) == -1) {
        return 6;

    printf("File size: %.2f GB\n", (double)st.st_size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024));

    return 0;

This program will output: File size: 2.00 GB

And it will write 2 GB of zeros to the file:

~$ head  large_file.bin  | hexdump -C
00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|

The question is why? And the answer is quite simple. Linux has a limitation of about 2 GB for writes to the disk. Any write call that attempts to write more than that will only write that much, and you’ll have to call the system again. This is not an error, mind. The write call is free to write less than the size of the buffer you passed to it.

Windows has the same limit, but it is honest about it

In Windows, all write calls accept a 32-bit int as the size of the buffer, so this limitation is clearly communicated in the API. Windows will also ensure that for files, a WriteFile call that completes successfully writes the entire buffer to the disk.

And why am I writing 2 GB of zeros? In the code above, I’m using malloc(), not calloc(), so I wouldn’t expect the values to be zero. Because this is a large allocation, malloc() calls the OS to provide us with the buffer directly, and the OS is contractually obligated to provide us with zeroed pages.

time to read 3 min | 536 words

Here is a pretty simple C program, running on Linux. Can you tell me what you expect its output to be?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE (3ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 3GB in bytes

int main() {
    int fd;
    char *buffer;
    struct stat st;

    buffer = (char *)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        return 1;

    fd = open("large_file.bin", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1) {
        return 2;

    if (write(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == -1) {
        return 3;

    if (fsync(fd) == -1) {
        return 4;

    if (close(fd) == -1) {
        return 5;

    if (stat("large_file.bin", &st) == -1) {
        return 6;

    printf("File size: %.2f GB\n", (double)st.st_size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024));

    return 0;

And what happens when I run:

head  large_file.bin  | hexdump -C

This shows both surprising behavior and serves as a good opening for discussion on a whole bunch of issues. In an interview setting, that can give us a lot of insight into the sort of knowledge a candidate has.

time to read 3 min | 462 words

For a new feature in RavenDB, I needed to associate each transaction with a source ID. The underlying idea is that I can aggregate transactions from multiple sources in a single location, but I need to be able to distinguish between transactions from A and B.

Luckily, I had the foresight to reserve space in the Transaction Header, I had a whole 16 bytes available for me. Separately, each Voron database (the underlying storage engine that we use) has a unique Guid identifier. And a Guid is 16 bytes… so everything is pretty awesome.

There was just one issue. I needed to be able to read transactions as part of the recovery of the database, but we stored the database ID inside the database itself. I figured out that I could also put a copy of the database ID in the global file header and was able to move forward.

This is part of a much larger change, so I was going full steam ahead when I realized something pretty awful. That database Guid that I was relying on was already being used as the physical identifier of the storage as part of the way RavenDB distributes data. The reason it matters is that under certain circumstances, we may need to change that.

If we change the database ID, we lose the association with the transactions for that database, leading to a whole big mess. I started sketching out a design for figuring out that the database ID has changed, re-writing all the transactions in storage, and… a colleague said: why don’t we use another ID?

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was using the existing database Guid because it was already there, so it seemed natural to want to reuse it. But there was no benefit in doing that. Instead, it added a lot more complexity because I was adding (many) additional responsibilities to the value that it didn’t have before.

Creating a Guid is pretty easy, after all, and I was able to dedicate one I called Journal ID to this purpose. The existing Database ID is still there, and it is completely unrelated to it. Changing the Database ID has no impact on the Journal ID, so the problem space is radically simplified.

I had to throw away heaps of complexity because of a single comment. I used the Database ID because it was there, never considering having a dedicated value for it. That single suggestion led to a better, simpler design and faster delivery.

It is funny how you can sometimes be so focused on the problem at hand, when a step back will give you a much wider view and a better path to the solution.

time to read 3 min | 457 words

We ran into a memory issue recently in RavenDB, which had a pretty interesting root cause. Take a look at the following code and see if you can spot what is going on:

ConcurrentQueue<Buffer> _buffers = new();

void FlushUntil(long maxTransactionId)
    List<Buffer> toFlush = new();
    while(_buffers.TryPeek(out buffer) && 
        buffer.TransactionId <= maxTransactionId)
        if(_buffers.TryDequeue(out buffer))


The code handles flushing data to disk based on the maximum transaction ID. Can you see the memory leak?

If we have a lot of load on the system, this will run just fine. The problem is when the load is over. If we stop writing new items to the system, it will keep a lot of stuff in memory, even though there is no reason for it to do so.

The reason for that is the call to TryPeek(). You can read the source directly, but the basic idea is that when you peek, you have to guard against concurrent TryTake(). If you are not careful, you may encounter something called a torn read.

Let’s try to explain it in detail. Suppose we store a large struct in the queue and call TryPeek() and TryTake() concurrently. The TryPeek() starts copying the struct to the caller at the same time that TryTake() does the same and zeros the value. So it is possible that TryPeek() would get an invalid value.

To handle that, if you are using TryPeek(), the queue will not zero out the values. This means that until that queue segment is completely full and a new one is generated, we’ll retain references to those buffers, leading to an interesting memory leak.

time to read 15 min | 2973 words

RavenDB is a transactional database, we care deeply about ACID. The D in ACID stands for durability, which means that to acknowledge a transaction, we must write it to a persistent medium. Writing to disk is expensive, writing to the disk and ensuring durability is even more expensive.

After seeing some weird performance numbers on a test machine, I decided to run an experiment to understand exactly how durable writes affect disk performance.

A few words about the term durable writes. Disks are slow, so we use buffering & caches to avoid going to the disk. But a write to a buffer isn’t durable. A failure could cause it to never hit a persistent medium. So we need to tell the disk in some way that we are willing to wait until it can ensure that this write is actually durable.

This is typically done using either fsync or O_DIRECT | O_DSYNC flags. So this is what we are testing in this post.

I wanted to test things out without any of my own code, so I ran the following benchmark.

I pre-allocated a file and then ran the following commands.

Normal writes (buffered) with different sizes (256 KB, 512 KB, etc).

dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/test bs=256K count=1024
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/test bs=512K count=1024

Durable writes (force the disk to acknowledge them) with different sizes:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/test bs=256k count=1024 oflag=direct,sync
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/test bs=256k count=1024 oflag=direct,sync

The code above opens the file using:

openat(AT_FDCWD, "/data/test", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_SYNC|O_DIRECT, 0666) = 3

I got myself an i4i.xlarge instance on AWS and started running some tests. That machine has a local NVMe drive of about 858 GB, 32 GB of RAM, and 4 cores. Let’s see what kind of performance I can get out of it.

Write sizeTotal writesBuffered writes

256 KB 256 MB 1.3 GB/s
512 KB 512 MB 1.2 GB/s
1 MB 1 GB 1.2 GB/s
2 MB 2 GB 731 Mb/s
8 MB 8 GB 571 MB/s
16 MB 16 GB 561 MB/s
2 MB 8 GB 559 MB/s
1 MB 1 GB 554 MB/s
4 KB 16 GB 557 MB/s
16 KB 16 GB 553 MB/s

What you can see here is that writes are really fast when buffered. But when I hit a certain size (above 1 GB or so), we probably start having to write to the disk itself (which is NVMe, remember). Our top speed is about 550 MB/s at this point, regardless of the size of the buffers I’m passing to the write() syscall.

I’m writing here using cached I/O, which is something that as a database vendor, I don’t really care about. What happens when we run with direct & sync I/O, the way I would with a real database? Here are the numbers for the i4i.xlarge instance for durable writes.

Write sizeTotal writesDurable writes

256 KB 256 MB 1.3 GB/s
256 KB 1 GB 1.1 GB/s
16 MB 16 GB 584 GB/s
64 KB 16 GB 394 MB/s
32 KB 16 GB 237 MB/s
16 KB 16 GB 126 MB/s

In other words, when using direct I/O, the smaller the write, the more time it takes. Remember that we are talking about forcing the disk to write the data, and we need to wait for it to complete before moving to the next one.

For 16 KB writes, buffered writes achieve a throughput of 553 MB/s vs. 126 MB/s for durable writes. This makes sense, since those writes are cached, so the OS is probably sending big batches to the disk. The numbers we have here clearly show that bigger batches are better.

My next test was to see what would happen when I try to write things in parallel. In this test, we run 4 processes that write to the disk using direct I/O and measure their output.

I assume that I’m maxing out the throughput on the drive, so the total rate across all commands should be equivalent to the rate I would get from a single command.

To run this in parallel I’m using a really simple mechanism - just spawn processes that would do the same work. Here is the command template I’m using:

parallel -j 4 --tagstring 'Task {}' dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/test bs=16M count=128 seek={} oflag=direct,sync ::: 0 1024 2048 3072

This would write to 4 different portions of the same file, but I also tested that on separate files. The idea is to generate a sufficient volume of writes to stress the disk drive.

Write sizeTotal writesDurable & Parallel writes

16 MB 8 GB 650 MB/s
16 KB 64 GB 252 MB/s

I also decided to write some low-level C code to test out how this works with threads and a single program. You can find the code here.  I basically spawn NUM_THREADS threads, and each will open a file using O_SYNC | O_DIRECT and write to the file WRITE_COUNT times with a buffer of size BUFFER_SIZE.

This code just opens a lot of files and tries to write to them using direct I/O with 8 KB buffers. In total, I’m writing 16 GB (128 MB x 128 threads) to the disk. I’m getting a rate of about 320 MB/sec when using this approach.

As before, increasing the buffer size seems to help here. I also tested a version where we write using buffered I/O and call fsync every now and then, but I got similar results.

The interim conclusion that I can draw from this experiment is that NVMes are pretty cool, but once you hit their limits you can really feel it. There is another aspect to consider though, I’m running this on a disk that is literally called ephemeral storage. I need to repeat those tests on real hardware to verify whether the cloud disk simply ignores the command to persist properly and always uses the cache.

That is supported by the fact that using both direct I/O on small data sizes didn’t have a big impact (and I expected it should). Given that the point of direct I/O in this case is to force the disk to properly persist (so it would be durable in the case of a crash), while at the same time an ephemeral disk is wiped if the host machine is restarted, that gives me good reason to believe that these numbers are because the hardware “lies” to me.

In fact, if I were in charge of those disks, lying about the durability of writes would be the first thing I would do. Those disks are local to the host machine, so we have two failure modes that we need to consider:

  • The VM crashed - in which case the disk is perfectly fine and “durable”.
  • The host crashed - in which case the disk is considered lost entirely.

Therefore, there is no point in trying to achieve durability, so we can’t trust those numbers.

The next step is to run it on a real machine. The economics of benchmarks on cloud instances are weird. For a one-off scenario, the cloud is a godsend. But if you want to run benchmarks on a regular basis, it is far more economical to just buy a physical machine. Within a month or two, you’ll already see a return on the money spent.

We got a machine in the office called Kaiju (a Japanese term for enormous monsters, think: Godzilla) that has:

  • 32 cores
  • 188 GB RAM
  • 2 TB NVMe for the system disk
  • 4 TB NVMe for the data disk

I ran the same commands on that machine as well and got really interesting results.

Write sizeTotal writesBuffered writes

4 KB 16 GB 1.4 GB/s
256 KB 256 MB 1.4 GB/s
2 MB 2 GB 1.6 GB/s
2 MB 16 GB 1.7 GB/s
4 MB 32 GB 1.8 GB/s
4 MB 64 GB 1.8 GB/s

We are faster than the cloud instance, and we don’t have a drop-off point when we hit a certain size. We are also seeing higher performance when we throw bigger buffers at the system.

But when we test with small buffers, the performance is also great. That is amazing, but what about durable writes with direct I/O?

I tested the same scenario with both buffered and durable writes:


1 MB buffers, 8 GB write 1.6 GB/s 1.0 GB/s
2 MB buffers, 16 GB write 1.7 GB/s 1.7 GB/s

Wow, that is an interesting result. Because it means that when we use direct I/O with 1 MB buffers, we lose about 600 MB/sec compared to buffered I/O. Note that this is actually a pretty good result. 1 GB/sec is amazing.

And if you use big buffers, then the cost of direct I/O is basically gone. What about when we go the other way around and use smaller buffers?


128 KB buffers, 8 GB write 1.7 GB/s 169 MB/s
32 KB buffers, 2 GB 1.6 GB/s 49.9 MB/s
Parallel: 8, 1 MB, 8 GB 5.8 GB/s 3.6 GB/s
Parallel: 8, 128 KB, 8 GB 6.0 GB/s 550 MB/s

For buffered I/O - I’m getting simply dreamy numbers, pretty much regardless of what I do 🙂.

For durable writes, the situation is clear. The bigger the buffer we write, the better we perform, and we pay for small buffers. Look at the numbers for 128 KB in the durable column for both single-threaded and parallel scenarios.

169 MB/s in the single-threaded result, but with 8 parallel processes, we didn’t reach 1.3 GB/s (which is 169x8). Instead, we achieved less than half of our expected performance.

It looks like there is a fixed cost for making a direct I/O write to the disk, regardless of the amount of data that we write.  When using 32 KB writes, we are not even breaking into the 200 MB/sec. And with 8 KB writes, we are barely breaking into the 50 MB/sec range.

Those are some really interesting results because they show a very strong preference for bigger writes over smaller writes.

I also tried using the same C code as before. As a reminder, we use direct I/O to write to 128 files in batches of 8 KB, writing a total of 128 MB per file. All of that is done concurrently to really stress the system.

When running iotop in this environment, we get:

Total DISK READ:         0.00 B/s | Total DISK WRITE:       522.56 M/s
Current DISK READ:       0.00 B/s | Current DISK WRITE:     567.13 M/s
 142851 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    4.09 M/s ./a.out
 142901 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    4.09 M/s ./a.out
 142902 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    4.09 M/s ./a.out
 142903 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    4.09 M/s ./a.out
 142904 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    4.09 M/s ./a.out
... redacted ...

So each thread is getting about 4.09 MB/sec for writes, but we total 522 MB/sec across all writes. I wondered what would happen if I limited it to fewer threads, so I tried with 16 concurrent threads, resulting in:

Total DISK READ:         0.00 B/s | Total DISK WRITE:        89.80 M/s
Current DISK READ:       0.00 B/s | Current DISK WRITE:     110.91 M/s
 142996 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    5.65 M/s ./a.out
 143004 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    5.62 M/s ./a.out
 142989 be/4 kaiju-1     0.00 B/s    5.62 M/s ./a.out
... redacted ..

Here we can see that each thread is getting (slightly) more throughput, but the overall system throughput is greatly reduced.

To give some context, with 128 threads running, the process wrote 16GB in 31 seconds, but with 16 threads, it took 181 seconds to write the same amount. In other words, there is a throughput issue here. I also tested this with various levels of concurrency:

Concurrency(8 KB x 16K times - 128 MB)Throughput per threadTime / MB written

1 15.5 MB / sec 8.23 seconds / 128 MB
2 5.95 MB / sec 18.14 seconds / 256 MB
4 5.95 MB / sec 20.75 seconds / 512 MB
8 6.55 MB / sec 20.59 seconds / 1024 MB
16 5.70 MB / sec 22.67 seconds / 2048 MB

To give some context, here are two attempts to write 2GB to the disk:

ConcurrencyWriteThroughputTotal writtenTotal time

16 128 MB in 8 KB writes 5.7 MB / sec 2,048 MB 22.67 sec
8 256 MB in 16 KB writes 12.6 MB / sec 2,048 MB 22.53 sec
16 256 MB in 16 KB writes 10.6 MB / sec 4,096 MB 23.92 sec

In other words, we can see the impact of concurrent writes. There is absolutely some contention at the disk level when making direct I/O writes. The impact is related to the number of writes rather than the amount of data being written.

Bigger writes are far more efficient. And concurrent writes allow you to get more data overall but come with a horrendous latency impact for each individual thread.

The difference between the cloud and physical instances is really interesting, and I have to assume that this is because the cloud instance isn’t actually forcing the data to the physical disk (it doesn’t make sense that it would).

I decided to test that on an m6i.2xlarge instance with a 512 GB io2 disk with 16,000 IOPS.

The idea is that an io2 disk has to be durable, so it will probably have similar behavior to physical hardware.

DiskBuffer SizeWritesDurableParallelTotalRate

io2              256.00                1,024.00  No                         1.00              256.00    1,638.40
io2          2,048.00                1,024.00  No                         1.00          2,048.00    1,331.20
io2                   4.00    4,194,304.00  No                         1.00    16,384.00    1,228.80
io2              256.00                1,024.00  Yes                         1.00              256.00            144.00
io2              256.00                4,096.00  Yes                         1.00          1,024.00            146.00
io2                64.00                8,192.00  Yes                         1.00              512.00              50.20
io2                32.00                8,192.00  Yes                         1.00              256.00              26.90
io2                   8.00                8,192.00  Yes                         1.00                64.00                7.10
io2          1,024.00                8,192.00  Yes                         1.00          8,192.00            502.00
io2          1,024.00                2,048.00  No                         8.00          2,048.00    1,909.00
io2          1,024.00                2,048.00  Yes                         8.00          2,048.00    1,832.00
io2                32.00                8,192.00  No                         8.00              256.00    3,526.00
io2                32.00                8,192.00  Yes                         8.00              256.00 150.9
io2                   8.00                8,192.00  Yes                         8.00                64.00              37.10

In other words, we are seeing pretty much the same behavior as on the physical machine, unlike the ephemeral drive.

In conclusion, it looks like the limiting factor for direct I/O writes is the number of writes, not their size. There appears to be some benefit for concurrency in this case, but there is also some contention. The best option we got was with big writes.

Interestingly, big writes are a win, period. For example, 16 MB writes, direct I/O:

  • Single-threaded - 4.4 GB/sec
  • 2 threads - 2.5 GB/sec X 2 - total 5.0 GB/sec
  • 4 threads - 1.4 X 4  - total 5.6 GB/sec
  • 8 threads - ~590 MB/sec x 8 - total 4.6 GB/sec

Writing 16 KB, on the other hand:

  • 8 threads - 11.8 MB/sec x 8 - total 93 MB/sec
  • 4 threads - 12.6 MB/sec x 4- total 50.4 MB/sec
  • 2 threads - 12.3 MB/sec x 2 - total 24.6 MB/sec
  • 1 thread - 23.4 MB/sec

This leads me to believe that there is a bottleneck somewhere in the stack, where we need to handle the durable write, but it isn’t related to the actual amount we write. In short, fewer and bigger writes are more effective, even with concurrency.

As a database developer, that leads to some interesting questions about design. It means that I want to find some way to batch more writes to the disk, especially for durable writes, because it matters so much.

Expect to hear more about this in the future.

time to read 8 min | 1561 words

We got an interesting question in the RavenDB discussion group:How to do aggregation on a tree structure?

The task is to build a Work Breakdown Structure, where you have:

  • Projects
  • Major deliverables
  • Sub-deliverables
  • Work packages

The idea is to be able to track EstimatedHours and CompletedHours across the entire tree. For example, let’s say that I have the following:

  • Project: Bee Keeper Chronicle App
  • Major deliverable: App Design
  • Sub-deliverable: Wireframes all screens
  • Work Package: Login page wireframe

Users can add the EstimatedHours and CompletedHours at any level, and we want to be able to aggregate the data upward. So the Project: “Bee Keeper Chronicle App” should have a total estimated time and the number of hours that were worked on.

The question is how to model & track that in RavenDB. Here is what I think the document structure should look like:

    "Name": "Login page wire frame",
    "Parent": {
        "Type": "Subs",
        "Id": "subs/0000000000000000009-A"
    "EsimatedHours": 8,
    "CompletedHours": 3,
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "WorkPackages"

    "Name": "Wire frames all screens",
    "Parent": {
        "Type": "Majors",
        "Id": "major/0000000000000000008-A"
    "EsimatedHours": 20,
    "CompletedHours": 7,
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "Subs"

    "Name": "App Design",
    "Parent": {
        "Type": "Projects",
        "Id": "projects/0000000000000000011-A"
    "EsimatedHours": 50,
    "CompletedHours": 12,
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "Majors"

    "Name": "Bee Keeper Chronicle App",
    "EsimatedHours": 34,
    "CompletedHours": 21,
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "Projects"

I used a Parent relationship, since that is the most flexible (it allows you to move each item to a completely different part of the tree easily). Now, we need to aggregate the values for all of those items using a Map-Reduce index.

Because of the similar structure, I created the following JS function:

function processWorkBreakdownHours(doc) {
    let hours = {
        EsimatedHours: doc.EsimatedHours,
        CompletedHours: doc.CompletedHours
    let results = [Object.assign({
        Scope: id(doc)
    }, hours)];

    let current = doc;
    while (current.Parent) {
        current = load(current.Parent.Id, current.Parent.Type);
            Scope: id(current)
        }, hours));
    return results;

This will scan over the hierarchy and add the number of estimated and completed hours to all the levels. Now we just need to add this file as Additional Sources to an index and call it for all the relevant collections, like this:


And the last step is to aggregate across all of them in the reduce function:

groupBy(x => x.Scope).aggregate(g => {
    return {
        Scope: g.key,
        EsimatedHours: g.values.reduce((c, val) => val.EsimatedHours + c, 0),
        CompletedHours: g.values.reduce((c, val) => val.CompletedHours + c, 0)

You can see the full index definition here.

The end result is automatic aggregation at all levels. Change one item, and it will propagate upward.


I’m using load() here, which creates a reference from the parent to the child. The idea is that if we move a Work Package from one Sub-deliverable to another (in the same or a different Major & Project), this index will automatically re-index what is required and get you the right result.

However, that also means that whenever the Major document changes, we’ll have to re-index everything below it (because it might have changed the Project). There are two ways to handle that.

  • Instead of using load(), we’ll use noTracking.load(), which tells RavenDB that when the referenced document changes, we should not re-index.
  • Provide the relevant scopes at the document level, like this:

    "Name": "Login page wire frame",
    "Scope": [
    "EsimatedHours": 8,
    "CompletedHours": 3,
    "@metadata": {
        "@collection": "WorkPackages"

Note that in this case, changing the root will be more complex because you have to scan / touch everything if you move between parts of the tree.

In most cases, that is such a rare event that it shouldn’t be a consideration, but it depends largely on your context.

And there you have it, a simple Map-Reduce index that can aggregate across an entire hierarchy with ease.

time to read 7 min | 1357 words

When building RavenDB, we occasionally have to deal with some ridiculous numbers in both size and scale. In one of our tests, we ran into an interesting problem. Here are the performance numbers of running a particular query 3 times.

First Run: 19,924 ms

Second Run: 3,181 ms

Third Run: 1,179 ms

Those are not good numbers, so we dug into this to try to figure out what is going on. Here is the query that we are running:

from index 'IntFloatNumbers-Lucene' where Int > 0

And the key here is that this index covers 400 million documents, all of which are actually greater than 0. So this is actually a pretty complex task for the database to handle, mostly because of the internals of how Lucene works.

Remember that we provide both the first page of the results as well as its total number. So we have to go through the entire result set to find out how many items we have. That is a lot of work.

But it turns out that most of the time here isn’t actually processing the query, but dealing with the GC. Here are some entries from the GC log while the queries were running:

2024-12-12T12:39:40.4845987Z, Type: GC, thread id: 30096, duration: 2107.9972ms, index: 25, generation: 2, reason: Induced
2024-12-12T12:39:53.1359744Z, Type: GC, thread id: 30096, duration: 1650.9207ms, index: 26, generation: 2, reason: Induced
2024-12-12T12:40:07.5835527Z, Type: GC, thread id: 30096, duration: 1629.1771ms, index: 27, generation: 2, reason: Induced
2024-12-12T12:40:20.2205602Z, Type: GC, thread id: 30096, duration: 776.24ms, index: 28, generation: 2, reason: Induced

That sound you heard was me going: Ouch!

Remember that this query actually goes through 400M results. Here are the details about its Memory Usage & Object Count:

  • Number of objects for GC (under LuceneIndexPersistence): 190M (~12.63GB)
  • Managed Memory: 13.01GB
  • Unmanaged Memory: 4.53MB

What is going on? It turns out that Lucene handles queries such as Int>0 by creating an array with all the unique values, something similar to:

string[] sortedTerms = new string[190_000_000];
long[] termPostingListOffset = new long[190_000_000];

This isn’t exactly how it works, mind. But the details don’t really matter for this story. The key here is that we have an array with a sorted list of terms, and in this case, we have a lot of terms.

Those values are cached, so they aren’t actually allocated and thrown away each time we query. However, remember that the .NET GC uses a Mark & Sweep algorithm. Here is the core part of the Mark portion of the algorithm:

long _marker;
void Mark()
    var currentMarker = ++_marker;

    foreach (var root in GetRoots())

    void Mark(object o)
        // already visited
        if (GetMarket(o) == currentMarker)

        foreach (var child in GetReferences(node))

Basically, start from the roots (static variables, items on the stack, etc.), scan the reachable object graph, and mark all the objects in use. The code above is generic, of course (and basically pseudo-code), but let’s consider what the performance will be like when dealing with an array of 190M strings.

It has to scan the entire thing, which means it is proportional to the number of objects. And we do have quite a lot of those.

The problem was the number of managed objects, so we pulled all of those out. We moved the term storage to unmanaged memory, outside the purview of the GC. As a result, we now have the following Memory Usage & Object Count:

  • Number of objects for GC (under LuceneIndexPersistence): 168K (~6.64GB)
  • Managed Memory: 6.72GB
  • Unmanaged Memory: 1.32GB

Looking at the GC logs, we now have:

2024-12-16T18:33:29.8143148Z, Type: GC, thread id: 8508, duration: 93.6835ms, index: 319, generation: 2, reason: Induced
2024-12-16T18:33:30.7013255Z, Type: GC, thread id: 8508, duration: 142.1781ms, index: 320, generation: 2, reason: Induced
2024-12-16T18:33:31.5691610Z, Type: GC, thread id: 8508, duration: 91.0983ms, index: 321, generation: 2, reason: Induced
2024-12-16T18:33:37.8245671Z, Type: GC, thread id: 8508, duration: 112.7643ms, index: 322, generation: 2, reason: Induced

So the GC time is now in the range of 100ms, instead of several seconds. This change helps both reduce overall GC pause times and greatly reduce the amount of CPU spent on managing garbage.

Those are still big queries, but now we can focus on executing the query, rather than managing maintenance tasks. Incidentally, those sorts of issues are one of the key reasons why we built Corax, which can process queries directly on top of persistent structures, without needing to materialize anything from the disk.

time to read 1 min | 147 words

An issue was recently raised with a really scary title:

Intermittent Index corruption: VoronUnrecoverableErrorException.

Those are the kinds of issues that you know are going to be complex. Fixing such issues in the past was usually a Task Force effort and quite a challenge.

We asked for more information and started figuring out who would handle the issue (given the time of the year) when the user came back with:

After pressing the disk check issue with our hosting provider, we found out that one of the disks was reporting an error but according to our hosting, it was only because the manufacturer's guarantee expired, and not the actual disk failure. We swapped the disk anyway, and so far we are not seeing the issue.

I’m so happy that I can close that issue 🙂

time to read 5 min | 862 words

It has been almost a year since the release of RavenDB 6.0. The highlights of the 6.0 release were Corax (a new blazing-fast indexing engine) and Sharding (server-side and simple to operate at scale). We made 10 stable releases in the 6.0.x line since then, mostly focused on performance, stability, and minor features.

The new RavenDB 6.2 release is now out and it has a bunch of new features for you to play with and explore. The team has been working on a wide range of new features, from enabling serverless triggers to quality-of-life improvements for operations teams.

RavenDB 6.2 is a Long Term Support (LTS) release

RavenDB 6.2 is a Long Term Support release, replacing the current 5.4 LTS (released in 2022). That means that we’ll support RavenDB 5.4 until Oct 2025, and we strongly encourage all users to upgrade to RavenDB 6.2 at their earliest convenience.

You can get the new RavenDB 6.2 bits on the download page. If you are running in the cloud, you can open a support request and ask to be upgraded to the new release.

Data sovereignty and geo-distribution via Prefixed Sharding

In RavenDB 6.2 we introduced a seemingly simple change to the way RavenDB handles sharding, with profound implications for what you can do with it. Prefixed sharding allows you to define which shards a particular set of documents will go to.

Here is a simple example:

In this case, data for users in the US will reside in shards 0 & 1, while the EU data is limited to shards 2 & 3. The data from Asia is spread over shards 0, 2, & 4.  You can then assign those shards to specific nodes in a particular geographic region, and with that, you are done.

RavenDB will ensure that documents will stay only in their assigned location, handling data sovereignty issues for you. In the same manner, you get to geographically split the data so you can have a single world-spanning database while issuing mostly local queries.

You can read more about this feature and its impact in the documentation.

Actors architecture with Akka.NET

New in RavenDB 6.2 is the integration of RavenDB with Akka.NET. The idea is to allow you to easily manage state persistence of distributed actors in RavenDB. You’ll get both the benefit of the actor model via Akka.NET, simplifying parallelism and concurrency, while at the same time freeing yourself from persistence and high availability concerns thanks to RavenDB.

We have an article out discussing how you use RavenDB & Akka.NET, and if you are into that sort of thing, there is also a detailed set of notes covering the actual implementation and the challenges involved.

Azure Functions integration with ETL to Azure Queues

This is the sort of feature with hidden depths. ETL to Azure Queue Storage is fairly simple on the surface, it allows you to push data using RavenDB’s usual ETL mechanisms to Azure Queues. At a glance, this looks like a simple extension of our already existing capabilities with queues (ETL to Kafka or RabbitMQ).

The reason that this is a top-line feature is that it also enables a very interesting scenario. You can now seamlessly integrate Azure Functions into your RavenDB data pipeline using this feature. We have an article out that walks you through setting up Azure Functions to process data from RavenDB.

OpenTelemetry integration

In RavenDB 6.2 we have added support for the OpenTelemetry framework. This allows your operations team to more easily integrate RavenDB into your infrastructure. You can read more about how to set up OpenTelemetry for your RavenDB cluster in the documentation.

OpenTelemetry integration is in addition to Prometheus, Telegraf, and SNMP telemetry solutions that are already in RavenDB. You can pick any of them to monitor and inspect the state of RavenDB.

Studio Omni-Search

We made some nice improvements to RavenDB Studio as well, and probably the most visible of those is the Omni-Search feature.  You can now hit Ctrl+K in the Studio and just search across everything:

  • Commands in the Studio
  • Documents
  • Indexes

This feature greatly enhances the discoverability of features in RavenDB as well as makes it a joy for those of us (myself included) who love to keep our hands on the keyboard.


I’m really happy about this release. It follows a predictable and stable release cadence since the release of 6.0 a year ago. The new release adds a whole bunch of new features and capabilities, and it can be upgraded in place (including cross-version clusters) and deployed to production with no hassles.

Looking forward, we have already started work on the next version of RavenDB, tentatively meant to be 7.0. We have some cool ideas about what will go into that release (check the roadmap), but the key feature is likely to make RavenDB a more intelligent database, one might even say, artificially so.

time to read 4 min | 764 words

I wanted to test low-level file-system behavior in preparation for a new feature for RavenDB. Specifically, I wanted to look into hole punching - where you can give low-level instructions to the file system to indicate that you’re giving up disk space, but without actually reducing the size of the file.

This can be very helpful in space management. If I have a section in the file that is full of zeroes, I can just tell the file system that, and it can skip storing that range of zeros on the disk entirely. This is an advanced feature for file systems. I haven't actually used that in the past, so I needed to gain some expertise with it.

I wrote the following code for Linux:

int fd = open("test.file", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
lseek(fd, 128 * 1024 * 1024 - 1, SEEK_SET); // 128MB file
write(fd, "", 1);
fallocate(fd, // 32 MB hole from the 16MB..48MB range
    16 * 1024 * 1024, 32 * 1024 * 1024); 

The code for Windows is here if you want to see it. I tested the feature on both Windows & Linux, and it worked. I could see that while the file size was 128MB, I was able to give back 16MB to the operating system without any issues. I turned the code above into a test and called it a day.

And then the CI build broke. But that wasn’t possible since I tested that. And there had been CI runs that did work on Linux. So I did the obvious thing and started running the code above in a loop.

I found something really annoying. This code worked, sometimes. And sometimes it just didn’t.

In order to get the size, I need to run this code:

struct stat st;
fstat(fd, &st);
printf("Total size: %lld bytes\n",
    (long long)st.st_size);
printf("Actual size on disk: %lld bytes\n", 
    (long long)st.st_blocks * 512);

I’m used to weirdness from file systems at this point, but this is really simple. All the data is 4KB aligned (in fact, all the data is 16MB aligned). There shouldn’t be any weirdness here.

As you can see, I’m already working at the level of Linux syscalls, but I used strace to check if there is something funky going on. Nope, there was a 1:1 mapping between the code and the actual system calls issued.

That means that I have to debug deeper if I want to understand what is going on. This involves debugging the Linux Kernel, which is a Big Task. Take a look at the code in the relevant link. I’m fairly certain that the issue is in those lines. The problem is that this cannot be, since both offset & length are aligned to 4KB.

I got out my crystal ball and thinking hat and meditated on this. If you’ll note, the difference between the expected and actual values is exactly 4KB. It almost looks like the file itself is not aligned on a 4KB boundary, but the holes must be.

Given that I just want to release this space to the operating system and 4KB is really small, I can adjust that as a fudge factor for the test. I would love to understand exactly what is going on, but so far the “file itself is not 4KB aligned, but holes are” is a good working hypothesis (even though my gut tells me it might be wrong).

If you know the actual reason for this, I would love to hear it.

And don't get me started on what happened with sparse files in macOS. There, the OS will randomly decide to mark some parts of your file as holes, making any deterministic testing really hard.


  1. Partial writes, IO_Uring and safety - about one day from now
  2. Configuration values & Escape hatches - 4 days from now
  3. What happens when a sparse file allocation fails? - 6 days from now
  4. NTFS has an emergency stash of disk space - 8 days from now
  5. Challenge: Giving file system developer ulcer - 11 days from now

And 4 more posts are pending...

There are posts all the way to Feb 17, 2025


  1. Challenge (77):
    20 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
  2. Answer (13):
    22 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
  3. Production post-mortem (2):
    17 Jan 2025 - Inspecting ourselves to death
  4. Performance discovery (2):
    10 Jan 2025 - IOPS vs. IOPS
View all series


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