Oren Eini

CEO of RavenDB

a NoSQL Open Source Document Database

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time to read 1 min | 164 words

imageI’m really happy to announce that we have just release a brand new version of NHibernate Profiler and Entity Framework Profiler.

What is new in for NHibernate?

  • Support for NHibernate 5.1 and 5.1.1
  • Support for .NET Core
    • supported on the following platforms: netstandard2.0, net46, netcoreapp2.0
  • Fixed various minor issues regarding showing duplicate errors and warnings from NHibernate.
  • Better support for DateTime precision issues in NHibernate 5.0

What is new for Entity Framework:

  • Support for EF Core
    • supported on the following platforms: netstandard2.0, net46, netcoreapp2.0
    • netstandard1.6 is also supported via a separate dll.
  • Support for DataTable data type in custom reporting
  • Support for ReadCount and RecordsAFfected in EF Core 2.0
  • Fixed issue for EF 6 on .NET 4.7
  • Can report using thread name, not just application name
  • Provide integration hooks for ASP.Net Core to provide contextual information for queries.

New stuff for both of them:

  • Improved column type mismatch warning
  • Support for UniqueIdentifier parameters type
  • Support for integration with VS 2017.
time to read 3 min | 501 words

I run into a really interesting article about performance optimizations with EF Core and I thought that it deserve a second & third look. You might have noticed that I have been putting a lot of emphasis on performance and I had literally spent years on optimizing relational database access patterns, including building a profiler dedicated for inspecting what an OR/M is doing. I got the source and run the application.

I have a small bet with myself, saying that in any application using a relational database, I’ll be able to find a SELECT N+1 issue within one hour. So far, I think that my rate is 92% or so. In this case, I found the SELECT N+1 issue on the very first page load.


Matching this to the code, we have:


Which leads to:


And here we can already tell that there is a problem, we aren’t accessing the authors. This actually happens here:


So we have the view that is generating 10 out of 12 queries. And the more results per page you have, the more this costs.

But this is easily fixed once you know what you are looking at. Let us look at something else, the actual root query, it looks like this:


Yes, I too needed a minute to recover from this. We have:

  1. One JOIN
  2. Two correlated sub queries

Jon was able to optimize his code by 660ms to 80ms, which is pretty awesome. But that is all by making modifications to the access pattern in the database.

Given what I do for a living, I’m more interested in what it does inside the database, and here is what the query plan tells us:


There are only a few tens of thousands of records and the query is basically a bunch of index seeks and nested loop joins. But note that the way the query is structured forces the database to evaluate all possible results, then filter just the top few. That means that you have to wait until the entire result set has been processed, and as the size of your data grows, so will the cost of this query.

I don’t think that there is much that can be done here, given the relational nature of the data access ( no worries, I’m intending to write another post in this series, you guess what I’m going to write there, right?Smile ).

time to read 2 min | 218 words

imageI’m happy to announce that the next version of the NHibernate and Entity Framework Profilers is ready for beta testing

You can download the new bits from here.

  • Entity Framework – Support for EF Core (on .NET Core and .Net 4.6)
  • NHibernate Profiler – Support for NHibernate 4.1
  • Persisting interesting sessions across restarts.
  • Improved filtering of SQL statements and behaviors, persisting your configuration across restarts and generally behaving as a responsible citizen.
  • The ability to configure profiling via a watched file, to enable admins to enable/disable profiling on the fly.
  • Allowing you to edit and run a SQL statement as well as compare the database query plan generated so you can get to an optimal solution.
  • Various usability improvements (auto tracking of interesting data, always on top, compact mode for quick visualizations, better keyboard navigation, etc).

Please take them for a spin and provide us with feedback on it.


time to read 1 min | 70 words

Well, it is nearly the 29 May, and that means that I have been married for four years.

To celebrate that, I am offering a 29% discount on all our products (RavenDB, NHibernate Profiler, Entity Framework Profiler).

All you have to do is purchase any of our products using the following coupon code:

4th Anniversary

This offer is valid to the end of the month only.

time to read 1 min | 125 words

To celebrate the new year, we offer a 21% discount for all our products. This is available for the first 33 customers that use the coupon code: 0x21-celebrate-new-year

In previous years, we offered a similar number of uses for the coupon code, and they run out fast, so hurry up. This offer is valid for:

Happy Holidays and a great new years.

On a personal note, this marks the full release of all our product lines, and it took an incredible amount of work. I'm very pleased that we have been able to get the new version out there and in your hands, and to have you start making use of the features that we have been working on for so long.

time to read 6 min | 1115 words

It may not get enough attention, but we have been working on the profilers as well during the past few months.

TLDR; You can get the next generation of NHibernate Profiler and Entity Framework Profiler now, lots of goodies to look at!

I’m sure that a lot of people would be thrilled to hear that we dropped Silverlight in favor of going back to WPF UI. The idea was that we would be able to deploy anywhere, including in production. But Silverlight just made things harder all around, and customers didn’t like the production profiling mode.

Production Profiling

We have changed how we profile in production. You can now make the following call in your code:

NHibernateProfiler.InitializeForProduction(port, password);

And then connect to your production system:


At which point you can profile what is going on in your production system safely and easily. The traffic between your production server and the profiler is SSL encrypted.

NHibernate 4.x and Entity Framework vNext support

The profilers now support the latest version of NHibernate and Entity Framework. That include profiling async operations, better suitability for modern apps, and more.

New SQL Paging Syntax

We are now properly support SQL Server paging syntax:

select * from Users
order by Name
offset 0 /* @p0 */ rows fetch next 250 /* @p1 */ rows only

This is great for NHibernate users, who finally can have a sane paging syntax as well as beautiful queries in the profiler.

At a glance view

A lot of the time, you don’t want the profiler to be front and center, you want to just run it and have it there to glance at once in a while. The new compact view gives you just that:


You can park it at some point in your screen and work normally, glancing to see if it found anything. This is much less distracting than the full profiler for normal operations.

Scopes and groups

When we started working on the profilers, we followed the “one session per request” rule, and that was pretty good. But a lot of people, especially in the Entity Framework group are using multiple sessions or data contexts in a single request, but they still want to see the ability to see the operations in a request at a glance. We are now allowing you to group things, like this:


By default, we use the current request to group things, but we also give you the ability to define your own scopes. So if you are profiling NServiceBus application, you can set the scope as your message handling by setting ProfilerIntegration.GetCurrentScopeName or explicitly calling ProfilerIntegration.StartScope whenever you want.

Customized profiling

You can now surface troublesome issues directly from your code. If you have an issue with a query, you can mark it for attention using CustomQueryReporting .ReportError() that would flag it in the UI for further investigation.

You can also just mark interesting pieces in the UI without an error, like so:

using (var db = new Entities(conStr))
    var post1 = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault();

    using (ProfilerIntegration.StarStatements("Blue"))
        var post2 = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault();

    var post3 = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault();
    var post4 = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault();

    var post5 = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault();

Which will result in:


Disabling profiler from configuration

You can now disable the profiler by setting:

<add key="HibernatingRhinos.Profiler.Appender.NHibernate" value="Disabled" />

This will avoid initializing the profiler, obviously. The intent is that you can setup production profiling, disable it by default, and enable it selectively if you need to actually figure things out.

Odds & ends

We move to WebActivatorEx  from the deprecated WebActivator, added xml file for the appender, fixed a whole bunch of small bugs, the most important among them is:



Linq to SQL, Hibernate and LLBLGen Profilers, RIP

You might have noticed that I talked only about NHibernate and Entity Framework Profilers. The sales for the rests weren’t what we hoped they would be, and we are no longer going to sale them.

Go get them, there is a new release discount

You can get the NHibernate Profiler and Entity Framework Profiler for a 15% discount for the next two weeks.

time to read 1 min | 159 words

One of the things that tend to get lost is the fact that Hibernating Rhinos is doing more than just working on RavenDB. The tagline we like to use is Easier Data, and the main goal we have is to provide users with better ways to access, monitor and manage their data.

We have started planning the next version of the Uber Profiler, that means Entity Framework Profiler, NHibernate Profiler, etc. Obviously, we’ll offer support for EF 7.0 and NHibernate 4.0, and we had gathered quite a big dataset for common errors when using an OR/M, which we intend to convert into useful guidance whenever our users run into such an issue.

But I realized that I was so busy working on RavenDB that I forgot to even mention the work we’ve been doing elsewhere. And I also wanted to solicit feedback about the kind of features you’ll want to see in the 3.0 version of the profilers.

time to read 1 min | 74 words

Well, it is nearly the 29 May, and that means that I have been married for two years.

To celebrate that, I am offering a 29% discount on all our products (RavenDB, NHibernate Profiler, Entity Framework Profiler, etc).

All you have to do is purchase any of our products using the following coupon code:

2nd anniversary

This offer is valid to the end of the month, so hurry up.


No future posts left, oh my!


  1. RavenDB 7.1 (5):
    19 Feb 2025 - Clocking at 200 fsync/second
  2. Challenge (77):
    03 Feb 2025 - Giving file system developer ulcer
  3. Answer (13):
    22 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
  4. Production post-mortem (2):
    17 Jan 2025 - Inspecting ourselves to death
  5. Performance discovery (2):
    10 Jan 2025 - IOPS vs. IOPS
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