NH Prof new featureUnbounded result sets
One of the things that I am doing with NH Prof is not only giving you visibility into what NHibernate is doing, but also trying to automate my own experience in analyzing best practices and problematic usages of NHibernate.
NH Prof will detect usage patterns and warn against bad practices and suggest how to deal with them. The first one that I implemented was detecting Select N+1, and the feedback from the beta group was "Wow! I didn't even know that we had this problem, but casual use with the profiler immediately showed it."
Here is the newest feature, detecting & warning about unbounded result sets:
And the actual warning:
More posts in "NH Prof new feature" series:
- (09 Dec 2010) Alert on bad ‘like’ query
- (10 Dec 2009) Filter static files
- (16 Nov 2009) Exporting Reports
- (08 Oct 2009) NHibernate Search Integration
- (19 Aug 2009) Multiple Session Factory Support
- (07 Aug 2009) Diffing Sessions
- (06 Aug 2009) Capturing DDL
- (05 Aug 2009) Detect Cross Thread Session Usage
- (22 May 2009) Detecting 2nd cache collection loads
- (15 May 2009) Error Detection
- (12 May 2009) Queries by Url
- (04 Feb 2009) View Query Results
- (18 Jan 2009) Superfluous <many-to-one> update
- (18 Jan 2009) URL tracking
- (10 Jan 2009) Detecting distributed transactions (System.Transactions)
- (06 Jan 2009) The Query Cache
- (05 Jan 2009) Query Duration
- (24 Dec 2008) Unbounded result sets
- (24 Dec 2008) Row Counts
I like where you are going with this! :-)
Very nice! I just read about that in the "Release It!" book too. Nice that you've got NH Prof spotting that possible flaw.
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