RavenDB Conference videosBuilding Codealike

time to read 1 min | 98 words

In this talk from the RavenDB conference, Federico Lois is discussing building Codealike,a collaborative platform for developers analytics.

Codealike plugins in Visual Studio, Eclipse and Chrome, track developers while they code and perform analytic calculations at the millisecond level. For such write heavy workloads and using RavenDB as the main and only database was not without challenge. In this talk, we will reveal how we built and scaled such a solution, how we were able to improve performance with Voron and glance at our own mistakes and architectural choices down the line.

More posts in "RavenDB Conference videos" series:

  1. (03 Mar 2017) Replication changes in 3.5
  2. (01 Mar 2017) Delving into Documents with Data Subscriptions
  3. (27 Feb 2017) Building Codealike
  4. (23 Feb 2017) Implementing CQRS and Event Sourcing with RavenDB
  5. (21 Feb 2017) Zapping ever faster
  6. (17 Feb 2017) Should I use a document database?
  7. (15 Feb 2017) Know Thy Costs
  8. (13 Feb 2017) Lessons from the Trenches
  9. (09 Feb 2017) RavenDB Embedded at Massive Scales
  10. (07 Feb 2017) RavenDB for the Modern Web Developer
  11. (03 Feb 2017) Introducing RavenDB 4.0
  12. (01 Feb 2017) Introducing RavenDB 3.5