Inside RavenDB 4.0Chapter 11 is done

time to read 1 min | 57 words

imageThe Inside RavenDB book is rapidly closing on the 400 pages mark (it is currently 371 pages!). I just finished writing Chapter 11, talking about map-reduce indexes.

Go ahead and read it, feedback is (very) welcome.

More posts in "Inside RavenDB 4.0" series:

  1. (22 May 2018) Book update
  2. (08 May 2018) The book is done
  3. (24 Apr 2018) Chapter 17 is done
  4. (16 Apr 2018) Chapter 16 is done
  5. (28 Mar 2018) Chapter 14 is done
  6. (21 Mar 2018) Chapters 12 & 13 are done
  7. (08 Mar 2018) Chapter 11 is done
  8. (22 Jan 2018) Chapter 10 is done
  9. (17 Jul 2017) Chapter 6 is done
  10. (07 Jun 2017) Chapter 3 is done