reAre you smart enough to do without TDD

time to read 3 min | 464 words

Daniel has posted a reply to my post, titling it:  Are you smart enough to do without TDD. I more or less expected to get responses like that, which was why I was hesitant to  post it. Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t really enjoy being controversial.

There are two main points that I object to in his post:

You see, Ayende appears to say that if you're smart enough, you'll just know what code to write, just like that. Ergo, if you don't know, maybe you're not that smart and hence you would need this technique for losers called Test Driven Design/Development.

That is not what I said, please don’t put words in my mouth. What I said was: “The idea behind TDD is to use the tests to drive the design. Well, in this case, I don’t have any design to drive.” Combine this with my concepts & features architecture, where the main tenets is: “A feature creation may not involve any design activity.” and it should be clear why TDD simply doesn’t work for my scenario.

And his attack on Rhino Mocks:

Moq vs Rhino Mocks: he [Ayende, it seems] read the (useless IMO) literature on mocks vs stubs vs fakes, had apparently a clear idea of what to do, and came up with Rhino's awkward, user unfriendly and hard to learn API with a myriad of concepts and options, and a record-replay-driven API (ok, I'm sure it was not his original idea, but certainly it's his impl.) which two years ago seemed to him to stand at the core of mocking. Nowadays not only he learned what I've been saying all along, that "dynamic, strict, partial and stub... No one cares", but also is planning to remove the record / playback API too.

This is just full of misinformation. Let me see how:

  • Rhino Mocks is 5 years old.
  • Rhino Mocks came out for .NET 1.0.
  • Rhino Mocks actually predate most of the mocks vs. stubs debate.

I keep Rhino Mocks updated as new concepts and syntax options comes. Yes, AAA is easier, but AAA relies on having the syntax options that we have in C# 3.0. Rhino Mocks didn’t start from there, it started a lot earlier, and it is a testament to its flexibility that I was able to adapt it to any change along the way.

Oh, and Rhino Mocks was developed with TDD, fully. Still is, for that matter. So I find it annoying that someone attacks it on this grounds without really understanding how it worked.

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