A guide into OR/M implementation challengesMapping
Continuing my shadowing of Davy’s Build Your Own DAL series, this post is shadowing Davy’s mapping post.
Looking at the mapping, it is fairly clear that Davy has (wisely) made a lot of design decisions along the way that drastically reduce the scope of work he had to deal with. The mapping model is attribute base and essentially supports a simple one to one relation between the classes and the tables. This make things far simpler to deal with internally.
The choice has been made to fix the following:
- Only support SQL Server
- Attributed model
- Primary key is always:
- Numeric
- Identity
- Single Key
Using those rules, Davy create a really slick implementation. About the only complaint that I can make about it is that he doesn’t support having a limit clause of selects.
Take a look at the code he have, it should give you a good idea about what is involved in dealing with mapping between objects and classes.
The really fun part about redoing things that we are familiar with is that we get to ignore all the other things that we don’t want to do which introduce complexity. Davy’s solution works for his scenario, but I want to expand a bit on the additional features that NHibernate has at that layer. It should give you some understanding on the task that NHibernate is solving.
- Inheritance, Davy’s DAL is supporting only Table Per Class inheritance. NHibernate support 4 different inheritance model (+ mixed models that we won’t get into here).
- Eager loading, something that would add significantly to the complexity of the solution is the ability to load a Product with its Category. That requires that you’ll be able to change the generated SQL dynamically, and more importantly, that you will be able to read it correctly. That is far from simple.
- Property that spans multiple columns, it seems like a simple thing, but in actually it affects just about every part of the mapping layer, since it means that all property to column conversion has to take into account multiple columns. It is not so much complex as it is annoying. Especially since you have to either carry the column names or the column indexes all over the place.
- Collections, they are complex enough on their own (try to think about the effort involved in syncing changes in a collection in an efficient manner) but the part that really kills with them is trying to do eager loading with them. Oh, but I forgot about one to many vs. many to many. And let us not get into the distinctions between different types of collections.
- Optimistic Concurrency, this is actually a feature that would be relatively easy to add, I think. At least, if all you care about is a single type of versioning / optimistic concurrency. NHibernate supports several (detailed here).
I could probably go on, but I think the point was made. As I said before, the problem with taking on something like this is that it either take a day to get the basic functionality going or several months to really get it into shape to handle more than a single scenario.
This series of posts should give you a chance to appreciate what is going on behind the scenes, because you’ll have Davy’s effort at the base functionality, and my comments on what is required to take it to the next level.
More posts in "A guide into OR/M implementation challenges" series:
- (28 Aug 2009) Custom Queries
- (28 Aug 2009) Lazy loading
- (27 Aug 2009) The Session Level Cache
- (26 Aug 2009) Hydrating Entities
- (25 Aug 2009) CRUD
- (24 Aug 2009) Mapping
- (24 Aug 2009) Reasoning
hi oren, this is offtopic, but waht's about macto? did i miss something?
I assume that with 'SQL Server' Microsoft SQL Server is implied and not any RMDBS type..
Hi Oren, Gonna piggback on 'smuf' comments. Do u still plan to go ahead with Macto?
Yes, there is no DB independence here
About Macto,
I haven't forgotten about it, recording of episodes starts next week
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