Nepotism in the interview process
I admit, she only go the interview because of who her father is. But she still managed to show more enthusiasm for the job than some candidates.
Her test was:
try { Tamar.LearnToWalk(); Tamar.LearnToProgram(); Tamar.Debug(); } catch(PoopException) { Tamar.Change(DiaperMode.Clean); }
She passed, but decided to take a nap instead of the job.
Its amazing how many candidates lack enthusiasm, and expect you to give them an opportunity, like they are entitled to something. I could never hire anyone who didn't demonstrate a strong interest in working on a particular project or for the company for some reason or another. Often times that is more important that technical aptitude, at least to me. Hopefully one day Tamar will find interest in programming. For now I'm sure she is just happy getting to be with her daddy. Maybe next time she'll be sporting the RavenDB onesie. Best of luck with your future interviews.
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