Sometimes imperative is so much easier

time to read 3 min | 472 words

Take a look at the following Erlang function:

count_promises(Id, N, {_, PromisesQueue}) ->
    rec_count_promises(0, Id, N, PromisesQueue).

rec_count_promises(Count, _, _, []) ->
rec_count_promises(Count, Id, N, [{Id, N, _, _} | RestQueue]) ->
    rec_count_promises((Count + 1), Id, N, RestQueue);
rec_count_promises(Count, Id, N, [_ | RestQueue]) ->
    rec_count_promises(Count, Id, N, RestQueue).

I am reading a codebase full of this sort of things, and it is really painful. I keep thinking back to how I would do it in C#:

public int CountPromises(int id, int n, Tuple<List<Record>, List<Record>> phase1)
     int count=0;
     foreach(var record in phase1.Item2)
            if(record.Id == id && record.N == n)
                   count ++;
     return count ;

Yet that is imperative, and involve mutating state. I agree, it is a huge improvement, but it can be made both functionally safe and easier to read:

phase1.Items2.Count(record => record.Id == id && record.N == n);

As I said, I am currently going through a codebase full of these sort of functions, and it is painful, annoying and irritating. I am not experienced enough with Erlang to be able to tell conclusively if this is idiomatic Erlang code, but I think so.