I don’t do math, or how to get a €50 discount to NH Prof
Okay, here is how it goes.
Go to TekPub and subscribe to the NHibernate series (this cost $25).
One of the perks in the TekPub’s NHibernate series is a €50 coupon code (about $75) for NH Prof.
End result, you save $50 overall, and you get access to a lot content teaching you about NHibernate from all directions.
That's the way to sell licenses :)
Was going to buy the profiler anyways and all of a sudden I saw that I got 50€ of the original price!
Cheers :)
How long will this offer last?
I plan to learn NHibernate but I dont have any use for it in the near-future.
I took advantage of the offer. I finally have a project where the client agreed to use NHibernate.
Does it also work the other way around? I already have a license for NHProf... Can I view the screencast?
Until TekPub runs out of licenses, and I gave Rob a lot
No, it doesn't work in reverse.
Good initiative. Oh, you certainly don't do math. $50 != €50 (Check the title ;))
Huh, forget what I said, I can't read.
How many episodes will be in the series?
You get a discount of 50 Euro, (worth about 75$), you need to pay 25 $ for that.
Hence, 50$ total discount
We hope that LOTS
Hi guys,
I subscribed yesterday to tekpub and got my discount for nhProf, saving 77 dollars, and getting the videos for free!
Great initiative! It'll keep me coming back to tekpub for sure!
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