Didja know? Merging Windsor configuration with automatic registration
One of the most annoying things that we have to do during development is updating configuration files. That is why convention over configuration is such a successful concept. The problem is what to do when you can mostly use the convention, but need to supply configuration values as well.
Well, one of the nice things about Windsor is the ability to merge several sources of information transparently. Given this configuration:
<configuration> <configSections> <section name="castle" type="Castle.Windsor.Configuration.AppDomain.CastleSectionHandler, Castle.Windsor" /> </configSections> <castle> <facilities> <facility id="rhino.esb" > <bus threadCount="1" numberOfRetries="5" endpoint="msmq://localhost/demo.backend" /> <messages> </messages> </facility> </facilities> <components> <component id="Demo.Backend.SendEmailConsumer"> <parameters> <host>smtp.gmail.com</host> <port>587</port> <password>*****</password> <username>*****@ayende.com</username> <enableSsl>true</enableSsl> <from>*****@ayende.com</from> <fromDisplayName>Something</fromDisplayName> </parameters> </component> </components> </castle> </configuration>
And this auto registration:
var container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter()); container.Register( AllTypes.Of(typeof (ConsumerOf<>)) .FromAssembly(typeof(Program).Assembly) );
We now get the benefit of both convention and configuration. We can let the convention pick up anything that we need, and configure just the values that we really have to configure.
How did we ever code before Windsor?
Excuse my ignorance; what does castle Windsor do?
Heh, I guess I had that coming...
Thanks Ayende, I like this flexibility as well - glad to see you point this out.
Speaking of:
Is that possible to do in xml right now ?
The features of adding all types of an assembly is one of my favorites, and why I end up doing it in code. So I've been curious if that is a part of the xml capability?
So far, I love how this works with asp.net mvc
Using MvcContrib I register all my controllers, then all the services that the controllers use (using your syntax above), then all the DAO's that the services use.
It's a thing of beauty :)
I blog about how to do the event wiring programmatically as well:
Again, thanks for pointing out how to combine the two together!
Happy New Year!
No, you can't do that from XML by default.
It should be pretty easy to write a facility to do this, however.
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