Fighting the architecture astronaut
It is surprising how many other things I have to deal with in order to get a product up and running. Right now I am working on the web site for NH Prof, and I found myself tackling a problem in an interesting way.
The problem itself is pretty simple. I need to show a user guide, so people can lookup help topics, view alerts, etc.
My first instinct was to create a HelpTopics table and do a simple data driven help site. Literally just showing a list of the topics and allowing to view them. I got that working, and was busy creating my second help topic when I found out that I had to have some way of referencing another help topic.
Obviously I could just use a link, but that would tie one content of the help topics to the id of another, in a completely non obvious manner. Not to mention that when I deploy, it may very well have a different id.
At the time I was also fighting having to do updates to the content of the site using UPDATE statements (if the content is in the DB, then I need to update it somehow, and I figured that giving UI for that is too much of a hassle). I started thinking about solutions, using the title of the page for a link, wiki style, when I figured out that I was out of breath because I was architecting a trivial FAQ system as if it was Wikipedia.
I decided to take a step back, and try to do it all over again. This time, using such useful tools as HTML and pages. Here is what the current user guide looks like:
<h1>NHibernte Profiler User Guide</h1> <h2>Topics</h2> <ul> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Topic("ProfileAppWithConfiguration"), "Configuring the application to be profile without changing the application code")%></li> </ul> <h2>Alerts</h2> <ul> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Alert("SelectNPlusOne"), "Select N+1")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Alert("TooManyDatabaseCalls"), "Too many database calls per session")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Alert("UnboundedResultSet"), "Unbounded result set")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Alert("ExcessiveNumberOfRows"), "Excessive / Large number of rows returned")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Alert("DoNotUseImplicitTransactions"), "Use of implicit transactions is discouraged")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink<LearnController>(x => x.Alert("LargeNumberOfWrites"), "Large number of individual writes")%></li> </ul>
And here is the implementation of Topic and Alert:
public ActionResult Topic(string name) { return View("~/Views/Learn/Topics/" + name + ".aspx"); } public ActionResult Alert(string name) { return View("~/Views/Learn/Alerts/" + name + ".aspx"); }
Now, if I want to edit something, I can do it in a proper HTML editor, and managing links between items has turned into a very trivial issue, like it is supposed to be.
Sounds like a great case of JFHCI. Someone smart came up with that acronym a while back.
If you don't want to create actions for each static page, you could route them all to one action with the name of the view as a parameter.
Something like this (from memory, so expect typos):
MapRoute("static_conent", "Learn/{vew}", new {controller = "Learn", action = "DisplayStatic"});
public ActionResult DisplayStatic(string view){
return View(view);
Ya man. KISS always wins.
Why not just use a wiki? Perhaps you will even trust your best end users to add comments and clarifications?
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