The typealyzer
I run into this site, which perform an analysis on the text in the blog.
I run this on a couple of blogs of friends of mine, and it turned out... interesting results.
Here is what I got:
INTP - The Thinkers

They enjoy working with complex things using a lot of concepts and imaginative models of reality. Since they are not very good at seeing and understanding the needs of other people, they might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what they are talking about.
Strange, I got ESTJ. Last I recall I was also either INTJ or INTP, so something about my blog reads different. Maybe it's all those how-to posts I've been doing.
I wonder if there is an online version of the Myers-Briggs test that you can take.
Surprisingly, I belong to the scientists category and really I did not know / predict that :).
But really cool site.
Cool site
I got - INTJ - The Scientists
A logical and analytical type that believes in Web 2.0 fortune tellers :) Sure, that's what should be expected.
LOL I got INTP too. Not too shure about being Introvert. I slightly resent the idea that I don't see and understand the needs of other people though...maybe I should work on it :D
Cool ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers
The responsible and hardworking type. They are especially attuned to the details of life and are careful about getting the facts right. Conservative by nature they are often reluctant to take any risks whatsoever.
The Duty Fulfillers are happy to be let alone and to be able to work int heir own pace. They know what they have to do and how to do it.
The risk part doesn't seem right do :-)
Based on my blog it says I'm ISTJ, but I know from taking thorough MB tests in the past that I am INTJ.
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