Writing begets writing
I am working on the versioning chapter for the DSL book, and it is going amazingly well. When I started it I had only the vaguest of idea how to go about writing it, but I wrote 10 pages today, and it is going very fast, and the flow seems to be good. What creeps me out is that I spent months thinking about this, without getting any concrete idea about how to express myself, and than it all flow at once.
The problem, of course, is that it doesn't really flow into the book, here is my current blogging queue (unordered):
- NHibernate Interception with Post Sharp
- Entities dependencies best practices
- Creating logging interceptor with Castle Windsor
- Evaluating Prism
- Usage scenarios for Cloud Computing
- Evaluating Kym
- Distributed Hash Tables: Locks usage best practices
- Distributed Hash Tables: Locality
- Distributed Hash Tables: Namespaces
- Distributed Hash Tables: Time sensitive updates
- Distributed Hash Tables: Lookup by property
- Distributed Hash Tables: Lookup by range
- Code Critique: Transactional Queue
- Rhino Queues
- Useless Java
- A DSL trip to the Zoo
- I'll get to your application in a week- First, we need to build the framework
- Production Quality: A DSL Sample
And I am probably forgetting a few along the way. Just getting this turned around would be hard enough, but I also have three webcasts that I need to record & edit:
- First Steps With Rhino Commons
- Building Domain Specific Language with Boo
- Production Quality Software
Way too much on my plate, I am going to bed.
What is Kym?
I am really curious about "Useless Java" :-)
It is not what you think...
Oh, that's my project then. If you care, I'd be glad to move it to the rhino sample applications.
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