I am guessing, but maybe it has something to do with your (hebrew) language settings? Do you have the most recent version? My copy underlines that just like Word does...
Hey, I have same issue :/ I blogged about it as well, and posted comment on WMW blog. I don't have english windows too, and there is no official WMW release for my language so I think it might have something to do with it :/
> Email-style angle brackets
> are used for blockquotes.
> > And, they can be nested.
> #### Headers in blockquotes
> * You can quote a list.
> * Etc.
Horizontal Rules
Three or more dashes or asterisks:
* * *
- - - -
Manual Line Breaks
End a line with two or more spaces:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Fenced Code Blocks
Code blocks delimited by 3 or more backticks or tildas:
This is a preformatted
code block
Header IDs
Set the id of headings with {#<id>} at end of heading line:
## My Heading {#myheading}
Fruit |Color
Apples |Red
Pears |Green
Bananas |Yellow
Definition Lists
Term 1
: Definition 1
Term 2
: Definition 2
Body text with a footnote [^1]
[^1]: Footnote text here
MDD <- will have title
*[MDD]: MarkdownDeep
RavenDB 7.1: Write modes - about one day from now
RavenDB 7.1: Reclaiming disk space - 4 days from now
I am guessing, but maybe it has something to do with your (hebrew) language settings? Do you have the most recent version? My copy underlines that just like Word does...
Yes, I have the latest version, and I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find any setting that controlled it.
Hey, I have same issue :/ I blogged about it as well, and posted comment on WMW blog. I don't have english windows too, and there is no official WMW release for my language so I think it might have something to do with it :/
Krzysztof Koźmic
I've made a custom launcher to fix this issue:
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
class Program
I am very sorry, but you are working around a technical limitation of the product.
At this moment, you surely have three teams of highly trained ninja lawyers headed your way.
LOL, I'll definitelly follow your advice
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