ReminderI’ll be in CodeMash is next week
Next week is CodeMash, in Ohio. I’m going to be at the conference and I have a talk about extreme performance architecture. I’m going to try to condense in 45 minutes the lessons that took us a decade to learn and almost two years to implement. That should be fun, but as much as I enjoy speaking, it is the first time in a while that I’m actually going to go to a conference, not just be there at the booth, and that is really exciting for me.
I took a look at the schedule and there are some interesting workshops and sessions.
Without any particular order, here are the things that popped out as stuff that I would like to be at
BTW, to the CodeMash people, not being able to link directly to the sessions is a PITA.
- Up & Running with Graph Databases - Greg Jordan – I would love to get a feel to how things are looking from the side consuming the graph API, not the one implementing it. If all goes well, I might do a series of posts on the exercises in the workshop as it pertains to RavenDB.
- CodeMash CryptoParty - Dusty Burwell – I have a love/hate relationship with cryptography. I find it fascinating but the math is usually beyond me, so I can’t understand it (that’s a joke).
- Making and Baking an Application Security Department - Bill Sempf – Following up on the crypto party, this is an are that I care deeply about, so it is worth the 8AM timeslot to learn more about this. I’m also interested in how I can, as an infrastructure, meaningfully contribute to the application overall security.
- 7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS - Hugh McKee – I’m familiar with both CQRS and microservices, but putting them together seems interesting. I’m mostly wondering about the data flow paths in such a system as the data is required on multiple servers.
- "Did you get my message?" - A comparison of several modern messaging platforms - Jack Bennett – This is very close to what I usually do, and I went over ZeroMQ’s code a few time, so that would be interesting.
- Building a better audit log - Craig Hills – this is a pain point in many cases, what to log and how, and the tension between logging too much and too little.
- Database DevOps with Containers - Rob Richardson – I think that my interest in this one is pretty obvious .
- Bluetooth Prototyping with the Raspberry Pi – I’m using my Raspberry Pis to run clusters of database servers, I wonder if there are other possible uses for a 25$ machine…
- Extreme Performance Architecture - Oren Eini – I’m giving this talk, so I guess I gotta.
- Pivot: How to proceed when things don't work out - Jay Harris – This is in the same timeslot as I’m speaking at, but I would have like to listen to it. Failure, planning for failure and recovering from it are all very important skills.
- ZAPping Security Vulnerabilities in Your Development Pipeline - Matthew Smith – This seems like it would be a session that cover an eminently useful skill.
- My users posted what? - Harold Pulcher – I don’t have a direct use for the topics discussed here, but it seems interesting, and I like learning for leaning sake. At some future time, it always pays off.
- APIs on the Scale of Decades - Gary Fleming - RavenDB is ten years old, and I’m certainly feeling the pressure there.
- THE STORIES OF THE MOST INFAMOUS BUGS - Ian Zelikman – Because who doesn’t want to see a clown slip on a banana peel, and this is the high tech equivalent.
- Data management in a Microservices world - Gerald Venzl – This is a topic that I have been thinking a lot about, and more information there would be very useful.
- Patterns and Architectures Beyond Microservices - Stephen Shary – should be interesting, some of the patterns that are mentioned in the description aren’t known to me and I have to exert some willpower not to search for them and wait for the session.
- Post Mortem: Dealing with Failure in Development - BJ Burns – Already said that this is an important topic, so this session is also very intereseting.
- Building A Highly Scalable Service that Survived A Super Bowl - Keith Elder – Because if nothing else, the story is likely going to be awesome.
- Comments are Useless and Other Controversial Opinions About Code - Izzi Bikun – This sounds like a fun session.
There are a lot of other stuff there that looks good, and I don’t even know if I’ll be able to get through all these sessions (not actually possible, there are timing conflicts between some of them). But the point of the conference isn’t just to sit in the sessions but the hallway interactions and actually talking with people.
I’m looking forward to that and I’m bringing a few books and some swag as well, if anyone is there and is interested.
I’m really looking forward to it.
More posts in "Reminder" series:
- (25 Oct 2020) Online RavenDB In Action Workshop tomorrow via NDC
- (03 Jan 2019) I’ll be in CodeMash is next week
- (09 Jan 2018) Early bird pricing for RavenDB workshops about to close
- (24 Dec 2013) End of year 32% discount coupon is still valid
- (24 Apr 2013) RavenDB Webinar Tomorrow
- (07 Oct 2011) RavenDB and NHibernate courses–New York coming up
- (24 Aug 2011) Advanced NHibernate Course–Warsaw, October 2011
- (26 Jul 2011) RavenDB & NHibernate Training - August 15 - 16, Chattanooga, TN
- (12 Jan 2011) NHibernate Course in Dallas, March 2011
- (11 Feb 2010) Linq to SQL Profiler goes 1.0 on the 14th
Hi Ayende
I'm building a casino app and i'm using RavenDB as an API data source. Do you guys plan on hosting any events in Northern Europe the upcoming months?
Oh and by the way, how is the support for Ravendb node.js client these days?
Antti, I would be very interested in hearing more about your usage. Node.js support is complete and ready to go.
We are going to have courses during 2019, probably Q2 / Q3, but I'm not sure yet when.
Ok that is great news. Currently we are testing 2 setups with Backend APIs. the first one is a setup running a Mongodb database which actually worked quite smoothly. But since i am a former .NET developer i have also worked a lot with Ravendb in the past and i know the search capabilities for RavenDB are just amazing. I will give the RavenDB setup another go. We have around 5000 slot machines so the database in itself is not huge at all but the filtering options will be quite big.
Antti, If you are interested, we can setup a call with one of our engineers to go over any questions you have
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