What is new in RavenDB 3.0Meta discussion

time to read 1 min | 130 words

This is a big release, it is a big deal for us.

It took me 18(!) blog posts to discuss just the items that we wanted highlighted, out of over twelve hundred resolved issues and tens of thousands of commits by a pretty large team.

Even at a rate of two posts a day, this still took two weeks to go through.

We are also working on the new book, multiple events coming up as well as laying down the plans for RavenDB vNext. All of this is very exciting, but for now, I want to ask your opinion. Based on the previous posts in this series, and based on your own initial impressions of RavenDB, what do you think?

This is me signing off, quite tired.

More posts in "What is new in RavenDB 3.0" series:

  1. (24 Sep 2014) Meta discussion
  2. (23 Sep 2014) Operations–Optimizations
  3. (22 Sep 2014) Operations–the nitty gritty details
  4. (22 Sep 2014) Operations–production view
  5. (19 Sep 2014) Operations–the pretty pictures tour
  6. (19 Sep 2014) SQL Replication
  7. (18 Sep 2014) Queries improvements
  8. (17 Sep 2014) Query diagnostics
  9. (17 Sep 2014) Indexing enhancements
  10. (16 Sep 2014) Indexing backend
  11. (15 Sep 2014) Simplicity
  12. (15 Sep 2014) JVM Client API
  13. (12 Sep 2014) Client side
  14. (11 Sep 2014) The studio
  15. (11 Sep 2014) RavenFS
  16. (10 Sep 2014) Voron