Well, it is finally here, it has been ten years since I started blogging. My first blog was on April’s 1st 2004, and somehow, we are a decade later.
Usually it is time for introspective, and careful thought about what was and what will be, but I’m having no time for that. Instead, I wanted to let you know that we just finished signing with Lucas Film (well, it said Disney on the contract, but I’m a geek, so I’ll go with the more impressive title) for a movie about Hibernating Rhinos. The idea is basically similar to the Social Network, but much better.
I’m trying to see if I can get Jesse Eisenberg to play there.
And I got a budget for 999 ravens to be released in a flock at one of the scenes!
We’ll show a trailer for the movie (purely computer generated, so far) at our Conference in a week.