NHibernate stump the expert video
time to read 1 min | 12 words
You can find the recording of this 4 hours session here.
You can find the recording of this 4 hours session here.
No future posts left, oh my!
It would be really cool if SkillsMatter would figure out how to do a screen capture of the video and overlay your voice so that folks can actually see what you're doing on screen.
And it will be great if there will be some download link... Thanks in advance.
There is no download for this, it is streaming only, I am afraid
which is so great when flash crashes 20 min into the video...
Ayende, i still love to hear more about your thought in term of Validation. Not so sure how why you do not like validation?
I need more context.
In the video a participant asked about validation and you mention that you not like that and move the question to the end of the list however I watch the video back and forth when you response to that question didn't find anything particular reason; so I am not sure may be because validation can happen in different layers and NHibernate Validator is not one stop solution or validation is just a trivial tasks?
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