Porting MVC Music Store to RavenAdvanced Migrations

time to read 3 min | 548 words

I noticed that I had  typo when I inserted the albums data, the artist data was stored as “Arist”. This give me a chance to show you how we can do a migration that is a bit more advanced.

using (var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080" })

    var count = 0;

        var queryResult = documentStore.DatabaseCommands.Query("Raven/DocumentsByEntityName", new IndexQuery
            Query = "Tag:`Albums`",
            PageSize = 128,
            Start = count

        if (queryResult.Results.Length == 0)

        count += queryResult.Results.Length;
        var cmds = new List<ICommandData>();
        foreach (var result in queryResult.Results)
            var arist = result.Value<JObject>("Arist");
            if(arist == null)
            result["Artist"] = arist;

            cmds.Add(new PutCommandData
                Document = result,
                Metadata = result.Value<JObject>("@metadata"),
                Key = result.Value<JObject>("@metadata").Value<string>("@id"),


    } while (true);

The code itself should be hard to follow I think, it shows how we can manipulate documents by working with the JSON document directly, instead of having to go through an object layer.

More posts in "Porting MVC Music Store to Raven" series:

  1. (31 May 2010) StoreManagerController, part 2
  2. (29 May 2010) StoreManagerController
  3. (28 May 2010) Porting the checkout process
  4. (25 May 2010) StoreController
  5. (24 May 2010) Advanced Migrations
  6. (23 May 2010) Migrations
  7. (22 May 2010) Porting the HomeController, the Right Way
  8. (21 May 2010) Porting the HomeController, the map/reduce way
  9. (20 May 2010) Data migration
  10. (19 May 2010) Setting up the application
  11. (18 May 2010) The data model