Porting MVC Music Store to RavenSetting up the application

time to read 3 min | 449 words

Just a few words about the way that I setup Raven to be used in the MVC Music Store application before we get to the actual code.

  • The model is (intentionally) very close to the one used by NHibernate. We initialize the document store in the application start.
  • We then open/close the session on request boundary, and create a way to access the current session.
  • If the application supported a container, I would make sure that the controllers got the session instance through that, but it doesn’t, so I just used static gateway.
    • If you don’t like, feel free to submit a patch.
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    private const string RavenSessionKey = "Raven.Session";
    private static DocumentStore _documentStore;

    protected void Application_Start()
        _documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080/" };
_documentStore.Initialise(); AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } public MvcApplication() { BeginRequest += (sender, args) => HttpContext.Current.Items[RavenSessionKey] = _documentStore.OpenSession(); EndRequest += (o, eventArgs) => { var disposable = HttpContext.Current.Items[RavenSessionKey] as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) disposable.Dispose(); }; } public static IDocumentSession CurrentSession { get { return (IDocumentSession) HttpContext.Current.Items[RavenSessionKey]; } } }

This is pretty much it, as far as Raven’s initialization is concerned.

More posts in "Porting MVC Music Store to Raven" series:

  1. (31 May 2010) StoreManagerController, part 2
  2. (29 May 2010) StoreManagerController
  3. (28 May 2010) Porting the checkout process
  4. (25 May 2010) StoreController
  5. (24 May 2010) Advanced Migrations
  6. (23 May 2010) Migrations
  7. (22 May 2010) Porting the HomeController, the Right Way
  8. (21 May 2010) Porting the HomeController, the map/reduce way
  9. (20 May 2010) Data migration
  10. (19 May 2010) Setting up the application
  11. (18 May 2010) The data model