Stephen Briggs (1951–) is, in his own words, "a civil servant who dabbles in amateur dramatics". However, through his drama work, he has become heavily involved with the subsidiary works and merchandise surrounding Terry Pratchett's Discworld."
Not to correct a valuable resource in the blogosphere but if it is British humour (notice the en-gb spelling!) it is from not us Brits which is!
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> > And, they can be nested.
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> * Etc.
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code block
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Apples |Red
Pears |Green
Bananas |Yellow
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Term 1
: Definition 1
Term 2
: Definition 2
Body text with a footnote [^1]
[^1]: Footnote text here
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RavenDB 7.1: Shared Journals - 9 days from now
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(13): 22 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
"Stephen Briggs
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Stephen Briggs (1951–) is, in his own words, "a civil servant who dabbles in amateur dramatics". However, through his drama work, he has become heavily involved with the subsidiary works and merchandise surrounding Terry Pratchett's Discworld."
Not to correct a valuable resource in the blogosphere but if it is British humour (notice the en-gb spelling!) it is from not us Brits which is!
British Humour is "Only Fools and Horses".
Whatchit! I'll put a move on you.
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