Unity Annoyances
This has nothing to do with the code itself, and anything to do with how it is managed. Take a look here:
The weekly drop is an MSI. I don't like MSI. They taint my system, put things in places I don't want, and in general annoys me.
Okay, so let us just grab the source directly, right? That is what I tend to do anyway.
Oh, I forgot, there isn't any source repository available.
A zip file is the least I would expect.
+100 to that idea.
Not only that, but what is 'Marsh (sic.) 12'?
I'm with you on this, I hate these pesky msi files, just publish a simple and plain old good zip
With 7-zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) you can see what is inside a MSI file and extract the data that is inside it without having to run the MSI file.
The only downside of this is that the you may have to manually rename files and/or do other tasks like register DLLs, create VDIRs etc that are performed by the MSI.
This has long annoyed me too, +1 for 7zip and Fezzik + gvim for renaming the files =)
At least you get the source code. A lot of Microsoft stuff they've put up on codeplex.com are just links to msi installs with no source which is even more annoying.
That is in violation of the CodePlex terms of service.
Please complain to the CodePlex about it
Thansk Oren, this is a good idea. We'll look into it.
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