The Customer that Microsort asks
So, a lot of time, I hear Microsoft talk about asking their customers about their design and their requests.
I have a few personas that I have in mind when I think about that.
The first one is the clueless enterprisey architect, haven't touched code in five years.
The second one? The guy that aspires to be a Mort one day, the guy that he looks down at, that is the other persona.
That's a bit speculative, not? ;-)
But you're right, I'd like to hear some stories from customers that have actually been listened to when they gave design advice. At connect, it's usually either "good idea, we might do that (but only because we've thought of it before)", or "closed (by design)". In MS blogs, there are often discussions in the comments section, but the bloggers don't really get into it. Through customer support, you never feel that if you'd make a design proposal, it would actually reach the product team. So, how could this work?
Does anybody have a story to tell?
In any case, can we please drop the "Mort" tag for those poor guys? That language is obviously alienating some people from the community, no matter how carefully you explain how you feel about those "Morts".
[offtopic] ... Especially since "Mort" means "dead" in some languages (romanian)... :)
It only shows in my RSS feed. Heh.
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