NHibernate QUery Analyzer - Now in beta!
It's about time that I did this. NHibernate Query Analyzer is now officially in beta status with the release of 0.7.
Let's cut to the chase, the project page is at: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/nqa/
The subversion repository is at: svn co svn://svn.berliod.de/nqa
But, the most important thing, of course, is the pretty long Flash Demo!
In this release:
- Functional hbm.xml editor with full UI integration!
Including:- On the fly verification of the schema and error reporting,
- Customized menus for each element, so you can't make mistakes.
- NHibernate QUery Analyzer will also tells you which elements and attributes are missing and then suggest ways to fix it.
- Many small bug fixes and improvements.
Next release:
Known problems:
- The cfg.xml editor is not very stable and will be replaced soon.
- You can't edit elemet's inner text - no particular reason, I forgot about it until it was too late.
- Tree view names doesn't update when you change an element name.
- There is little, if any, error recovery.
- If someone with some graphical talent reads this, I need help making the UI more attractive. The current UI works, but....
- Please send any problems you've to Bugs@ayende.com, I can't promise to fix everything, but I can promise to try.
- For NHibernate itself, for making databases a breeze and XML & GUI a nightmare :-D
- To Pierre Henri, for several good ideas and new challanges creating them.
- To xsd.exe, because of all the work it saved me.
- The whole thing with the matching version numbers is a pure coincidence.
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