Practice makes perfect

time to read 3 min | 499 words

I run into this over twitter:


There were some suggestions there to go to meetups, find a mentor, etc. Those are important, but I consider them secondary to what you need to be a good developer.

My advice:

Write code, you'll likely write crap code, but write code, and a lot of it.

Read code, you'll not understand some, but try to.

The order matter.

The only way to be a good developer is to be a bad developer first. I have a drawer full of old hard disks that contain old code, some of it goes back over 20 years. I still remember being incredibly proud in writing a full BBS system in VBScript & ASP (classic!) that didn’t use a database but rather manipulated the HTML files on disk directly so you had what is effectively a static website that would self modify itself. The impressive thing was this was a single nested switch statement that went on for thousands of lines. I somehow managed to keep it all in my head enough to be able to actually complete the project.

It would never work in practice (I didn’t have any concept of “what happens if two requests happen at the same time”) and it was never deployed, but it was code that I wrote, and that thought me what works. More importantly, it told me what doesn’t work. That meant reading errors, figuring out how to find faults in my program, getting used to run <----> modify cycle, etc.

I wrote web systems, gesture recognition systems that would serve as hot keys in Windows, shell extensions and a lot of random stuff. Most of it was never meant to be anything, it was just a way for me to explore. The more I wrote, the more I knew what was going on.

At that point, reading other people’s code would have done nothing for me. I wasn’t at a level that I could grasp what other people were doing. It took a long time until I was ready to actually peek into other people’s code and actually be able to make sense of it. More to the point, it took a long time until I was able to actually learn something from that, rather then just go with a targeted “what do I need to make X work”.

Having other people there to help can be very useful, but it can also be a crutch. At least initially, you need to fall down a lot to figure things out. Mostly because people have very hard time telling you how they found the problem in your code. “It’s obvious that this is here” doesn’t give you much to learn from except possibly that you are stupid for missing the obvious. A lot of the advice that this tweet got is absolutely something that I can get behind, but I would put it significantly later in the process.