What is new in RavenDB 3.0Voron

time to read 1 min | 171 words

If you have been following this blog at all, you must have heard quite a lot about Voron. If you haven’t been paying attention, you can watch my talk about it at length, or you can get the executive summary below.

The executive summary is that Voron is a high performance low level  transactional storage engine, which was written from scratch by Hibernating Rhinos with the intent to move most / all of our infrastructure to it. RavenDB 3.0 can run on either Voron or Esent, and show comparable performance using either one.

More importantly, because Voron was created by us, this means that we can do more with it, optimize it exactly to our own needs and requirements. And yes, one of those would be running on Linux machines.

But more important, having Voron also allows us to create dedicated database solutions much more easily. One of those is RavenFS, obviously, but we have additional offering that are just waiting to get out and blow you minds away.

More posts in "What is new in RavenDB 3.0" series:

  1. (24 Sep 2014) Meta discussion
  2. (23 Sep 2014) Operations–Optimizations
  3. (22 Sep 2014) Operations–the nitty gritty details
  4. (22 Sep 2014) Operations–production view
  5. (19 Sep 2014) Operations–the pretty pictures tour
  6. (19 Sep 2014) SQL Replication
  7. (18 Sep 2014) Queries improvements
  8. (17 Sep 2014) Query diagnostics
  9. (17 Sep 2014) Indexing enhancements
  10. (16 Sep 2014) Indexing backend
  11. (15 Sep 2014) Simplicity
  12. (15 Sep 2014) JVM Client API
  13. (12 Sep 2014) Client side
  14. (11 Sep 2014) The studio
  15. (11 Sep 2014) RavenFS
  16. (10 Sep 2014) Voron