RavenDB Conf VideosPanel Discussion - The good & ugly of working with RavenDB
In this panel discussion, the speakers in RavenDB Conference talks with the attendees and share their own experience of using RavenDB in anger.
More posts in "RavenDB Conf Videos" series:
- (13 May 2014) The tale of RavenHQ - An Ops Story
- (12 May 2014) Lap around the new HTML5 Raven Studio
- (09 May 2014) Scalability and High Availability with RavenDB
- (08 May 2014) RavenDB 3.0
- (07 May 2014) Extending RavenDB with Bundles, Plugins, and Listeners
- (06 May 2014) Mastering Date and Time Data in RavenDB
- (05 May 2014) Abstracting RavenDB
- (02 May 2014) Document Based Messaging with RavenDB 3.0
- (01 May 2014) RavenDB, CQRS and EventSourcing
- (30 Apr 2014) Modeling Tricks my Relational Database Never Taught Me
- (29 Apr 2014) Tailored database solutions with Voron
- (28 Apr 2014) Panel Discussion - The good & ugly of working with RavenDB
- (25 Apr 2014) Diving into Voron
- (24 Apr 2014) Introduction to document database modeling with RavenDB
Darn... the video started out with you handing around the microphone so we could hear the questions and then you stopped doing that. Something to keep in mind for the next panel.
@Khalid - just watched it through... all of the questions were repeated and then the microphone was handed out once they sorted it out.
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