Black Friday sale: 20% off for the next 48 hours
I am currently in the states, and I can’t go anywhere without seeing a lot of signs for Black Friday. Since it seems that this is a pretty widely spread attempt to do a load test on everyone’s servers (and physical stores, for some reason). I decided that I might as well join the fun and see how we handle the load.
You can use one of the following coupon codes (each one has between 4 – 16 uses) to get a 20% discount for any of our products, if you buy in the next 48 hours.
- pink-Sunday
- white-Monday
- green-Tuesday
- orange-Wednesday
- red-Thursday
- black-Friday
- yellow-Saturday
This explicitly includes 20% discounts for RavenDB and the Profilers.
Guerrilla marketing? :)
Here is what black friday make me think about :)
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