RavenDB new feature: Highlights

time to read 7 min | 1285 words

Before anything else, I need to thank Sergey Shumov for this feature. This is one of the features that we got as a pull request, and we were very happy to accept it.

What are highlights? Highlights are important when you want to give the user better search UX.

For example, let us take the Google Code data set and write the following index for it:\

public class Projects_Search : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Project, Projects_Search.Result>
    public class Result
        public string Query { get; set; }

    public Projects_Search()
        Map = projects =>
              from p in projects
              select new
                  Query = new[]
        Store(x => x.Query, FieldStorage.Yes);
        Index(x=>x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);

And now, we are going to search it:

using(var session = store.OpenSession())
    var prjs = session.Query<Projects_Search.Result, Projects_Search>()
        .Search(x => x.Query, q)

    var sb = new StringBuilder().AppendLine("<ul>");

    foreach (var project in prjs)
        sb.AppendFormat("<li>{0} - {1}</li>", project.Name, project.Summary).AppendLine();
    var s = sb

The value of q is: source

Using this, we get the following results:

  • hl2sb-src - Source code to Half-Life 2: Sandbox - A free and open-source sandbox Source engine modification.
  • mobilebughunter - BugHunter Platfrom is am open source platform that integrates with BugHunter Platform is am open source platform that integrates with Mantis Open Source Bug Tracking System. The platform allows anyone to take part in the test phase of mobile software proj
  • starship-troopers-source - Starship Troopers: Source is an open source Half-Life 2 Modification.
  • static-source-analyzer - A Java static source analyzer which recursively scans folders to analyze a project's source code
  • source-osa - Open Source Admin - A Source Engine Administration Plugin

And this make sense, and it is pretty easy to work with. Except that it would be much nicer if we could go further than this, and let the user know why we selecting those results. Here is were highlights come into play. We will start with the actual output first, because it is more impressing:

  • hl2sb-src - Source code to Half-Life 2: Sandbox - A free and open-source sandbox Source engine modification.
  • mobilebughunter - open source platform that integrates with BugHunter Platform is am open source platform that integrates with Mantis Open Source
  • volumetrie - code source - Volumetrie est un programme permettant de récupérer des informations sur un code source - Volumetrie is a p
  • acoustic-localization-robot - s the source sound and uses a lego mindstorm NXT and motors to point a laser at the source.
  • bamboo-invoice-ce - The source-controlled Community Edition of Derek Allard's open source "Bamboo Invoice" project

And here is the code to make this happen:

using(var session = store.OpenSession())
    var prjs = session.Query<Projects_Search.Result, Projects_Search>()
        .Customize(x=>x.Highlight("Query", 128, 1, "Results"))
        .Search(x => x.Query, q)
        .Select(x=> new
            Results = (string[])null

    var sb = new StringBuilder().AppendLine("<ul>");

    foreach (var project in prjs)
        sb.AppendFormat("<li>{0} - {1}</li>", project.Name, string.Join(" || ", project.Results)).AppendLine();
    var s = sb

For that matter, here is me playing with things, searching for: lego mindstorm

  • acoustic-localization-robot - ses a lego mindstorm NXT and motors to point a laser at the source.
  • dpm-group-3-fall-2011 - Lego Mindstorm Final Project
  • hivemind-nxt - k for Lego Mindstorm NXT Robots
  • gsi-lego - with Lego Mindstorm using LeJos
  • lego-xjoysticktutorial - l you Lego Mindstorm NXT robot with a joystick

You can play around with how it highlight the text, but as you can see, I am pretty happy with this new feature.