Don’t play peekaboo with support, damn it!

time to read 2 min | 326 words

One of the things that we really pride ourselves with Hibernating Rhinos is the level of support. Just to give you some idea, today & yesterday we had core team members on the phone with people (not customers, yes) who are having problems with RavenDB for quite some time.

Now, I understand that you may not always have the information to give, but what you have, give me! So I can help you.

From a recent exchange in the mailing list:

var clickCount = session.Query<TrackerRequest>().Where(t => t.TrackerCreated == doc.Created).Where(t => t.Type == Type.Click).Count();

This gives:

"Non-static method requires a target"

To which I replied:

What is the full error that you get? Compile time? Runtime?

The answer I got:

This is a document I'm trying to 'Count':


  "Created": "2012-11-15T16:12:42.1775747",

  "IP": "",

  "TrackerCreated": "2012-11-15T14:12:16.3951000Z",

  "Referrer": "",

  "Type": "Click"


Raven terminal gives:

Request # 172: GET     -     3 ms - <system>   - 200 - /indexes/Raven/DocumentsByEntityName?query=Tag%253ATrackerRequests&start=0&pageSize=30&aggregation=None&noCache=-1129797484

        Query: Tag:TrackerRequests

        Time: 2 ms

        Index: Raven/DocumentsByEntityName

        Results: 3 returned out of 3 total.

By the way, you might note that this ISN’T related in any way to his issue. This query (and document) were gotten from the Studio. I can tell by the URL.

Then there was this:


I mean, seriously, I am happy to provide support, even if you aren’t a customer yet, but don’t give me some random bit of information that has absolutely nothing to do to the problem at hand and expect me to guess what the issue is.

Relevant information like the stack trace, what build you are on, what classes are involved, etc are expected.