Damn! But Knife of Dreams is a fine book!
I read it in one sitting, of course, after waiting so long for it, I just couldn't bear to do it by halves. It's everything the Wheel Of Time fans could hope for.
There is a lot of action. Things that were building for the last three or four books are finally coming into light. The entire book is very fast paced, and it managed to close a lot of plot lines. It's an amazing book, I just couldn't put it down.
I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone who hadn't read it yet, so I'll just say these things:
- Plot lines from previous books are closed left, right and center.
- I can't off hand think of any big plot that started in this book.
- Things that were setup years and years ago finally come to fruitation.
- The characters actually explain some of the things that they are doing. It was a constant annoyance in previous books, where you would see a character behave in a completely unlogical way, and you sometimes couldn't figure out why.
- The Last Battle is Close - and RJ said that there is only one more book!
- There is a lot and lot and lot of action.
- No more setup!
This is the impression after reading it once, I'm going to read it a few more times, probably.
Well, I'm now off to read the newsgroup, I'm so glad that I didn't give in and read the spoilers.