RavenDB Webinar #2– Q & A Free For All
Wow! The RavenDB Webinar has been a great success, and a wonderful trial run. I know that a lot of people haven’t been able to get in, and I apologize for that, we absolutely did not expect to have so many people in.
The session was recorded, and we will upload it soon so everyone can watch it.
As part of experimenting with the format, and since we want to give anyone another chance, we will do another Webinar tomorrow, you can register here: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/398501658
Unlike the one we just had, we will have this one as a Q & A where we open the phone lines and start chatting with you about RavenDB, demoing things on the fly.
Should be fun…
How long did the first one take? It is 6:30am EST so I'm wondering if I still can make it.
Raciel, It was 1 hour and ten minutes, the next one is scheduled for 1.5 hours, but it can be shorter/longer, depending on the people
Was it recorded? it not, can you record the next one?
Andy, Yes, and yes
John, the webinar is indeed over. Is it possible that you got the wrong timezone?
Is this posted somewhere?
Sean, Not yet, probably next week
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