You don’t scale a mutli tenant environment
Originally posted at 12/6/2010
That is actually an inaccurate statement, for the most part. A more accurate way of saying this is that for the most part, you don’t need to think about scaling a multi tenant environment. Most multi tenant environments are using some form of a user based licensing method, which means that for the vast majority of tenants, there aren’t going to be a lot of users. That means that we have a very natural way of isolating things. Handling a single tenant is very easy, then, because we are actually handling small amount of users and (relatively) small amount of information.
The challenge begins when we need to consider how to work with all the tenants. My general approach to that is actually to think upfront about the sort of things that would prevent me from scaling things, and avoid those, but not do anything else about it. Let us consider what I mean…
The easiest way to handle multi tenant application is when you create total separation between each tenant. It is fairly easy to do, all you have to ensure is a separate data store (note that you really need to ensure separate caches, as well), and everything else more or less flows from there. In most multi tenant applications, there are four things that may vary between tenants:
- Schema
- Data
- Behavior
- User Interface
The first two are handled at the data store level (and is usually very easy), while the last two are just application code (be it separate dll, tenant scripts, configuration, etc).
Given all of that, scaling multi tenant applications is usually a process that is handled by the load balancer. What you need is to specify which tenants are served by which servers, and to ensure that you don’t overload each server capacity. If you want to be really smart about it, you can do load based load balancing, but for the most part, even static routing that gives each server X number of tenants would work.
This helps a lot because it means that for the most part, even though you are writing a distributed app that may have a very large number of total users, your actual application can behave as if it was a small application. That means that you can do thinks like memory based caching, instead of distributed caching, because all the tenant users are going to be served from the same server.
And what happen if you have a tenant with thousands of users?
At that point, doing this sort of trick won’t work, but presumably you are charging them enough to just allocate a single server for this tenant. In fact, assuming standard user based licensing, you actually got to the point where you have, as we say in Israel, a Rich Man’s Problem. Even if they are big enough to require more than a single server, you can usually just split them to several, that is where the pre-planning for the scaling stoppers starts to pay. But in all honestly, it doesn’t happen that often.
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