Help needed: Writing Domain Specific Languages in Boo – Java Edition

time to read 1 min | 140 words

Just came out of a discussion with Manning about my book (which is approach the last few stages before actually printing!), apparently they hit upon the notion that Boo works on both the CLR and the JVM, and are interested in having a Java edition of the book.

Disclaimer: This is early, and anything is subject to change, blah blah blah.

I find this hilarious, since this is Hibernate in Action vs. NHibernate in Action, in reverse. At least, I hope it is. The problem? I am not familiar enough with Java to be able to write a book targeting it, hence this post.

If you are familiar with Java and BooJay (filter 90%), read my book (filter 90%) and think you could help (filter 0%), I would love to talk to you.