1st April Post – Sending Data
Since it appears to be customary, I decided that I need to make a few posts for April 1st. Here is the first of them.
private IEnumerator<int> SendInternal(AsyncEnumerator ae) { try { using (var client = new TcpClient()) { try { client.BeginConnect(Destination.Host, Destination.Port, ae.End(), null); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Failed to connect to {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } yield return 1; try { client.EndConnect(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Failed to connect to {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } logger.DebugFormat("Successfully connected to {0}", Destination); using (var stream = client.GetStream()) { var buffer = Messages.Serialize(); var bufferLenInBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(buffer.Length); logger.DebugFormat("Writing length of {0} bytes to {1}", buffer.Length, Destination); try { stream.BeginWrite(bufferLenInBytes, 0, bufferLenInBytes.Length, ae.End(), null); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Could not write to {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } yield return 1; try { stream.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Could not write to {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } logger.DebugFormat("Writing {0} bytes to {1}", buffer.Length, Destination); try { stream.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Could not write to {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } yield return 1; try { stream.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Could not write to {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } logger.DebugFormat("Successfully wrote to {0}", Destination); var recieveBuffer = new byte[ProtocolConstants.RecievedBuffer.Length]; var readConfirmationEnumerator = new AsyncEnumerator(); try { readConfirmationEnumerator.BeginExecute( StreamUtil.ReadBytes(recieveBuffer, stream, readConfirmationEnumerator, "recieve confirmation"), ae.End()); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Could not read confirmation from {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } yield return 1; try { readConfirmationEnumerator.EndExecute(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Could not read confirmation from {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } var recieveRespone = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(recieveBuffer); if (recieveRespone == ProtocolConstants.QueueDoesNotExists) { logger.WarnFormat( "Response from reciever {0} is that queue does not exists", Destination); Failure(new QueueDoesNotExistsException()); yield break; } else if(recieveRespone!=ProtocolConstants.Recieved) { logger.WarnFormat( "Response from reciever {0} is not the expected one, unexpected response was: {1}", Destination, recieveRespone); Failure(null); yield break; } try { stream.BeginWrite(ProtocolConstants.AcknowledgedBuffer, 0, ProtocolConstants.AcknowledgedBuffer.Length, ae.End(), null); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Failed to write acknowledgement to reciever {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } yield return 1; try { stream.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.WarnFormat("Failed to write acknowledgement to reciever {0} because {1}", Destination, exception); Failure(exception); yield break; } Success(); buffer = new byte[ProtocolConstants.RevertBuffer.Length]; var readRevertMessage = new AsyncEnumerator(ae.ToString()); readRevertMessage.BeginExecute( StreamUtil.ReadBytes(buffer, stream, readRevertMessage, "revert"), ae.End()); yield return 1; try { readRevertMessage.EndExecute(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); var revert = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); if (revert == ProtocolConstants.Revert) { Failure(null); } } catch (Exception) { // expected, there is nothing to do here, the // reciever didn't report anything for us } } } } finally { var completed = SendCompleted; if (completed != null) completed(); } }
And yes, it is from real code, and it is going to production soon.
"[...] And yes, it is from real code [...]"
This looks like it uses Jeffrey Richter’s Power Threading Library ;)
It does :-)
How did you know its about sending data?
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