Looking for .NET developers in Fort Lee, NJ area
You probably know the drill by now, my client need a few good .NET developers in the Fort Lee, NJ area. This is for a full time employee position, working on some interesting projects.
If you are interested, please shoot me an email.
Is that possible for non-US developer to relocate if everything goes fine? Does your client offer such kind of employment? (BTW, I have 8yrs of experience in .NET and don't have graduation)
I am just being anonymous as my boss could catch me :), otherwise i am one of your regular reader
I don't know.
Send me the details and I'll ask the client.
I don't think so, though.
Could you please let us know if sponsorship is available for this position? I'm interested, but i need an H1.
Same questions as the one above - is sponsorship available i.e. would they hire guys on H1? Also, it would be great if you posted what kind of work is it - and if the client is open to using open source alternatives like NHibernate etc. (because it's very difficult to find companies who work on MS tech. willing to use any open source stuff).
Posting anonymously because of obvious reasons :)
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