Who stole the time?
Allow me to share my schedule for the last two weeks.
- Monday - Flying over from Israel to Texas
- Tuesday - Wednesday - Client engagement
- Thursday - 2 Workshops - total time > 6 hours
- Friday - Sunday - KaizenConf
- Sunday - Flying to NJ
- Monday - Friday - Client engagement, compromised of ~ 6 - 7 hours a day coding, and 1.5 - 2 hours teaching
That explains, I guess, why I spent the entire weekend doing everything except touching the IDE or even checking email. It happens every so often. I believe that it is called resting.
The reason that I am telling you that is to explain that I literally had zero time / interest in doing either my OSS commitment, or simply checking email. My unread email count in approaching 50, and I didn't even had the strength to work on the profiler, which is pretty high on my priorities at the moment.
I hope to be able to catch up during the week, but if you are expecting a response from me, consider this my apology. I will get there.
You know, burn-out ain't fiction, even for people who enjoy their stuff. Hence, I doubt you have any necessity to apologize.
i am suffering burnout and believe me it is the worst what ever happened to me. Anitidepressants,Antiepileptics,Notroops,Benzos...just a few of the medications i take just be a little alive. Burnout is very common now in the IT business. The brain is like a muscle, if you don't relax it will be broken. Nobody expects from you to work so much, blog everyday , work on several projects at the same time...Don't put yourself to much under pressure. Our brain is not build for multitasking! A "context switch" is a very expensive operation even for our brain. These leads to chronicly high cortisol levels destroying your body. Your adrenals burn out, your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis will be messed up. These things are very hard to repair. I give everyone here the advise: watch your health, take the time to relax!
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