Recursive Meta Programming
I am currently writing a DSL that is used to meta program another DSL that is used to to do some action (it is actually turtles 7 layers deep, but we will skip that). It gets to be fairly interesting, although trying to draw that as a diagram is... a bit challenging.
Oh, and there are at least a few parts that rewrite itself.
Ever tried to do incremental method munging? That is when you take code from several places and start applying logic to where to put it. Only useful because of a lot of interesting constraints that we have to deal with in this project, and probably will be actively harmful on other scenarios. And that is only one technique that I am using there.
But a damn elegant approach to solve a problem, wow!
In my latest post, , I do something similar where I use OMeta# (a DSL for building languages) to build a a DSL for the FizzBuzz problem. It's a simplified version of what you're talking about in the first paragraph.
OMeta# itself is written in OMeta# which sometimes leads to problems where the language no longer works and I have to revert back the bootstrapped version using source control.
It's fun when things work, but when they don't it can be frustrating.
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