What hid under the bed...

time to read 1 min | 118 words

public class ARValidatingAuthorizationRepository<TIEntityType, TIUsersGroup, TIEntitiesGroup, TIOperation, TIEntityReference, TIPermission>     
  :  RhinoAuthorizationRepository< TIEntityType, TIUsersGroup, TIEntitiesGroup, TIOperation, TIEntityReference, TIPermission> 
      where TIEntityType : class, IEntityType, new()
      where TIUsersGroup : class, IUsersGroup, new()
      where TIEntitiesGroup : class, IEntitiesGroup, new()
      where TIOperation : class, IOperation, new()
      where TIEntityReference : class, IEntityReference, new()
      where TIPermission : class, IPermission, new()