SQL CE Transaction Handling
Update: Yes, I am crazy! Turn out that I forgot to do "command.Transaction = tx;" and then I went and read some outdated documentation, and got the completely wrong picture, yuck! I still think that requiring "command.Transaction = tx;" is bad API design and error prone (duh!).
Someone please tell me that I am not crazy. The output out this program is:
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
Wrote item
This is wrong on so many levels...
public class Program { const string connectionString = "Data Source=test.dsf"; public static void Main(string[] args) { File.Delete("test.dsf"); var engine = new SqlCeEngine(connectionString); engine.CreateDatabase(); using (var connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCeCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"CREATE TABLE Test(Id INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name NVARCHAR(25) NOT NULL)"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ReadFromDb); using (var connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); using(IDbTransaction tx = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable)) { while(true) { using (SqlCeCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO Test(Name) VALUES('A');"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } Console.WriteLine("Wrote item"); Thread.Sleep(500); } } } } private static void ReadFromDb(object state) { Thread.Sleep(1000); using (var connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (IDbTransaction tx = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable)) { while (true) { using (SqlCeCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test;"; Console.WriteLine(command.ExecuteScalar()); } Console.WriteLine("Wrote item"); Thread.Sleep(500); } } } } }
You never set the commands' transactions to the transactions you create. Could that be it?
I checked, and it looks like SQL CE only supports ReadCommited, yuck!
It looks like you have a extra Console.WriteLine("Wrote item") in the ReadReadFromDB function that is misleading.
You are correct, but still, this was surprising.
What!? It doesn't support Serializable? That is really insane... :-O
Let's summarize it as: SqlCE is broken at so many levels. ;)
I mean: in 3.5 they introduced named parameter binding, but ... if you now send a query with anonymous parameters ("?") which works in 3.1, it might not work due to wrong order of binding in CE 3.5....
The thread reading shouldn't see the records that are being written until the write transaction is committed, because it's operating on a different connection.
I have added (see Rick's note)
command.Transaction = tx
and everything works as expected. Read is waiting for writes to complete until timeout expires.
And now I feel like a total idiot.
Thanks guys!
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