ALT.Net Logo
A while ago I suggested a logo for ALT.Net, which I really liked, but had copyright issues. Since then, I had commissioned the creation of a new logo, using the same ideas, which can be used without copy right issues.
This is not the official logo, there isn't any to my knowledge, but it express the way I think about ALT.Net very well.
The logos are:
You may use and modify the logos under the Creative Commons Non Commercial license.
I put all the raw images in this location, which can be used to adapt the images.
Have fun.
I liked the theme a lot but didn't like the colors much.
Blue/gray kind of colors would be better, IMHO.
As I said, I made the raw images available, feel free to play with it.
Thanks Ayende - The original works great on your blog and I love the logo but the colours wouldn't work on mine.
Thanks for making this public - I'm planning on adapting it to suit my local colour scheme and I think it nicely expresses my feelings about ALT.NET too. I'm an adult and I'll run with scissors if I want to - yahooo!
I agree with the other guys:
I like the scissors metafora, but maybe the color schema should be less dependencies with the container :)
What's are the scissors a metaphor for? I kind of looks like the cut in cut and paste -- a potential metaphor of ridicule.
Running with scissors.
I didn't get that at all until I read the comments.. Seems easier to have a guy actually running with scissors in front of him or something.
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