NHibernate Query Analyzer And DuplicateMappingException
One of the most common issues that people have run into with using NHQA is the DuplicateMappingException. The root problem is that you are adding both the DLL (which contained embedded resources mapping files) and the mapping files themselves.
Well, after getting tried of answering that question so often, I decided to fix the issue, and let NHQA knows about the issue, and try to resolve it. The fix is in the repository now, but I would like to have some more input before I would release it.
Hmm, I do get the DuplicateMapping Exception but I only add the assembly containing the mapping resources and hibernate.cfg.xml to the Project.
When I try to start the repository checkout it doesn't recognize the app.config and complains about the not set Dialect.
I really would like to try the NQA could you please help me?
Thank you very much.
Kindest regards
Most likely your hibernate.cfg.xml reference the assembly as well, so it is included twice.
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