At what point do you say WTF?! Runtime addition of methods to class in C#

time to read 4 min | 682 words

Assume that I have this piece of code: 
public interface InterfaceWithExplicitImpl<T>
   IEnumerator<T> GetEnum1();
Now, check the picture. This is 100% repreducable, but only under very specific set of scenarios (basically, running System.Reflection.Emit stuff). I am not sure how exactly I am supposed to handle this sort of an issue.
Here is the code to repreduce the issue:
You need to reference Dynamic Proxy 2, but this code produce stuff that I would bet is flat out impossible.
   1:   class Program
   2:   {
   3:       static void Main(string[] args)
   4:       {
   5:           Console.WriteLine("Before it has {0} methods", typeof(MyInterfaceWithExplicitImpl<int>).GetMethods().Length);
   7:           ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator(new PersistentProxyBuilder());
   8:           generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(typeof(MyInterfaceWithExplicitImpl<int>), new StandardInterceptor());
   9:           generator = new ProxyGenerator(new PersistentProxyBuilder());
  10:           generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(typeof(MyGenericInterface<object>),
  11:                                                           new Type[] { typeof(MyInterfaceWithExplicitImpl<int>) },
  12:                                                           new StandardInterceptor());
  15:           Console.WriteLine("After it has {0} methods", typeof(MyInterfaceWithExplicitImpl<int>).GetMethods().Length);
  16:       }
  17:   }
  19:   public interface MyInterfaceWithExplicitImpl<T>
  20:   {
  21:       IEnumerator<T> GetEnum1();
  22:   }
  24:   public interface MyGenericInterface<T> where T : new()
  25:   {
  26:       T DoSomething(T t);
  27:   }