Hibernating Rhinos - Episode #2 - Select * From MonoRail.Customers

time to read 3 min | 443 words

I have just finished putting together the second episode of Hibernating Rhinos. This one tooks several days and a lot of effort to produce. The download page is here, where you can also download the first episode, talking about Rhino Mocks.

The screencast is basically taking implementing similar functionality in both Web Forms and MonoRail, while I talk about the differences between the two approaches. I spent quite a bit of time explaining most of what I do when I am writing MonoRail code, so I hope it would be clear. This episode is not meant to be an introduction to MonoRail, it is merely a show & tell episode.

I am also afraid that I fell into the common trap of Web Froms vs. MonoRail comparision, and I focused quite a bit of my time on the UI layer, instead of focusing more on the controllers side of things, which is more important.

  • The overall length: 1:14:32
  • Download size: 60Mb
  • The big sigh at the beginning? That was the fourth time that I recorded this episode!
  • I am showing code from 09:25 onward.
  • Fun part that you shouldn’t miss:
    It should fails... It doesn't fails... It should fails... It doesn't fails...
  • From 05:10 to 08:00  - Web Froms Rant (come to think about it, there are a lot of those J )

Am I talking too fast? Am I making any sense?

Errata: in talking about the view engines, there is a section that might looks like I am taking credit for building Boo, just to clarify, I am an avid user of Boo, but I can't claim any credit for it. What I meant was that I built Brail, which uses Boo.