RavenDB now supports running on ARM64 machines
We recently added support for RavenDB on Linux ARM 64. You can get the new build here:
The nice thing about ARM64 is that when you run on AWS, you can use A1 instances that cost 48% less.
Oh, and what about the performance? This is RavenDB running on a1.large instance (2 cores, 4 GB RAM) with a standard gb2 hard disk with 100 IOPS.
Can you comment a bit on the performance? I have no idea what 'normal' values should be for similar x64 machine.
Basically, it is good enough that I didn't bother going any deeper. The usual perf limits are in I/O, so the fact that we aren't seeing anything that limit us before saturating the I/O is a great indication that this is good.
Also note that we have done a LOT of work for optimizing for ARM32, so that helps a lot.A Raspberry PI can hit a max of ~1.2K writes / sec, so this is much better
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