RavenDB 4.0 is out
After close to two months in production incubation, we have finally let RavenDB 4.0 out of the coop.
Major changes since the last RC includes hardening for resource consumption, better performance and insight into exactly what is going on and more robust behavior in the presence of errors.
The major changes from the previous major version includes:
- 10x better performance
- Running on Windows, Linux, Mac & Docker
- Simplified distributed behavior and clustering support
You can get it on the RavenDB site.
This is the culmination of over three years of work and represent an order of magnitude leap in performance, behavior and capabilities.
In addition to all the new features, the 4.0 comes with a free community license that you can use to go for production.
Congrats to the entire team!
Congratulations! Looking forward to playing around with it :)
Congrats guys, I wish you many more productive releases.
Congratulations - I can't wait to play around with it!
Congrats to the entire team! Can't wait to start testing it. Btw, loved the new website!
Some problems I ran into while trying to get it up and running: * Readme should probably include some information about running unsigned scripts * powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File .\setup-as-service.ps1 * The setup instructions url in readme.txt is wrong * missing installation path * Permission problem accepting license agreement * Service runs as Local Service, which doesn't have access by default
Now having trouble getting data migrated. (see below)
Migration from v3.x
Operation failed!
[6:10:54 PM INFO] Starting migration [6:13:48 PM INFO] Failed to initialize the storage it is probably been locked by RavenDB. The data export tool have exited with code -532462766. System.ApplicationException: The data export tool have exited with code -532462766. at Raven.Server.Web.System.AdminDatabasesHandler.<>c__DisplayClass25_1.<<MigrateDatabaseOffline>b__2>d.MoveNext() in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.0\src\Raven.Server\Web\System\AdminDatabasesHandler.cs:line 1225
Any suggestions?
Awesome work HR team!! Massive effort and some great changes :)
How are you migrating the data? Are you trying to access a database that is in use by a 3.0 instance?
This is great. Looking forward to learning more about Raven. Congrats on the release!
Congratulations! You guys have worked incredibly hard. Cheers!
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