A face lift for the RavenDB Management Studio
New in RavenDB 2.5, we have merged the documents & collection views, so no you can move between them more easily.
Speaking of views, we also added a way to detach a document view and have it follow us around. This give us the ability to look it us when doing work on something like the indexes that operate on it.
Briliant, I was weak with frustration last night at not being able to detach a document view
It would be more helpful if it was possible to open new browser tabs, when middle-clicking buttons/links, as in normal pages. I guess the server would be less happy about it tho.
Duckie, We already have that, use Ctrl+Click.
I really don't understand why the documents are listed in a grid view like that, it is such a waste of screen real-estate and shows little information. It would be so much better to have them in a detail list view (a la windows explorer) showing document id, size, last modified date, etc.
I find the concept of collections/documents very analogous to folders/files anyway. Considering you have just added a tree-like view on the left pane, it looks like you are about to implement a file explorer ;)
Owen, The documents are listed in this fashion because this is one option. We also have a grid view available, but I wanted to show the color coordination more likely. And this isn't a tree view, it is just one level, and it isn't really nested
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